Food poisoning - Karlnapity

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This is based off of Quackity's cooking stream but instead of Austin being there it's Sapnap!

Trigger warning for vomiting.

Quackity's P.O.V

We should have known that it was a bad idea to put hot dog (Glizzy) juice into the mixture. Not only was it gross but what we hadn't realised was that the sausages were out of date. So when Sapnap decided to put it into Karl's batter, the mixture had immediately curdled. Karl was second to cook his pancakes so luckily there was no contamination.

Once the pancakes were cooked, it came time to taste them. I was the host so I had to try both of the pancakes. I ended up spitting them both into the bin. Then Karl and Sapnap had to try their own creations. "No, don't spit it out," I laughed, watching the disgust on their faces as they realised how gross the food was. The forced it down albeit gagging a little while I was stood in the corner laughing my head off. "THat's DiSGusting," Karl said his voice breaking. He giggled to cover up his discomfort an only Sapnap and I could tell that something was up. I very quickly ended the stream after that, making up the excuse that I had to clean up the kitchen - which I did anyway. "You okay Karl?" I asked.

"Mhmm, just don't feel good." He mumbled, "I'll help you clean up."

"Okay, are you sure you're okay to do that?" 

"Yeah, it's just washing up, I'm fine." 


Sapnap and Karl started to wash and dry the dishes while I swept the floor and cleaned off the counters. I noticed, however, that Karl was gradually beginning to look more and more ill. His face was slowly losing colour and his movements grew sluggish. "Hey love," I said, placing my hand on his back, "Do you wanna go lie down? I can finish these dishes and you look like you could use a break." 

"Yeah, I guess so." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Go lie down on the sofa and Sapnap and I will be in in a minute." 


Karl made his way out of the kitchen as Sapnap and I finished the last couple of dishes. Then, we made our way out to where Karl was curled up on the couch. I grabbed the blanket (that had been folded over the back of the sofa) and draped it over his shivering form. Sapnap sat down on the floor, running his fingers through the youngest's hair in a comforting way. I put Netflix on the TV starting a random film. 

Halfway through the film, Karl began to shift around like he was uncomfortable. "Karl," I said, "Are you okay?" 

"I don't know...don't feel good." He replied.

" what way?" Sapnap cooed.

"My stomach's killing me, so is my head and I feel really weak and shaky." 

"Oh, Karl. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you eat the pancake." 

"'s fine. It was content." 

I chuckled, "Hmm, maybe, but you're more important than that."

Another 20 minutes passed before Karl stood quickly and walked swiftly from the room. I paused the film and we could faintly hear retching from down the hall. Sapnap and I jumped up and ran to the bathroom where our youngest boyfriend was knelt on the floor, clutching the toilet seat so hard his knuckles were turning white. Sapnap sprung into action, kneeling down beside Karl and rubbing his back while I stood in the doorway, unsure of what I could do.

"Hey Quack?" Sapnap said quietly, "Can you go and get a flannel from the cabinet and a glass of juice or something that Karl can take meds with?" 

I nodded, glad to be given some instructions and to know that I was helping.

Sapnap's P.O.V

I felt so bad for Karl. The poor boy was absolutely miserable, shivering like mad as he collapsed back into my arms. "Are you done, sweetheart?" I asked. He nodded tiredly. "Alright, let's sit up a little bit then." I moved back, pulling Karl so he was sitting in my lap, leaning against my chest to stay upright. "There we go, chin up." I put one hand under his chin and tipped his head back so it was resting on my shoulder. Then I began to run my fingers through his hair to soothe him and quiet his whimpering. 

"H-Hurts." He mumbled.

"What does? Your stomach?" 

He nodded, curling against me. Quackity returned with the things I had asked him for, passing me the glass of water and running the flannel under some cold water. He got some pain medication and some stomach medication from the medicine cabinet and gently pressed them into Karl's hand. Karl took the pills with some difficulty and I helped him to drink some of the water. "Small sips buddy," I whispered, "Don't want to upset your stomach again." 

He nodded and curled up even more leaning against me so his head was against my chest and my chin was on top of his head. Quackity ran the flannel under some cold water before sitting on the floor with us and wiping Karl's face to try and cool him down. Karl leant into the touch his head dropping down towards his chest as he fought back sleep. "Let's get you to bed," I said, lifting him into my arms. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I held him close. "Come on bubs, I've got you." 

I carried him up to our bedroom, setting him on the bed and chucking him one of my hoodies to put on. I left the room to go and get the flannel again before returning. Karl had put on my hoodie and was curled up against Quackity. I sat down on the edge of the bed, draping the cold cloth over Karl's head before lying down on his other side. With our youngest boyfriend laying between us we all drifted off to sleep.

I don't like this at all but I wanted to get something out tonight!! 

I've got a couple of ideas at the moment of stories that I think you'll like so I'll do a little vote here to see which one you'd like first!

1) Big sister Nikki - Nikki saves Tommy from an abusive household and looks after him through all of the effects and lasting trauma. He gets hurt while Nikki is on a call with Wilbur and goes to her which is how Wilbur finds out that they're living together. Starts with angst, the rest is comfort and fluff :)

2) Sibling DreamTeam Minecraft au - Phil, Techno and Wilbur don't look after Tommy so he runs away and gets taken in by Dream, George and Sapnap. They teach him how to fight and he gets really good and starts competing to get money for his new family. While at a tournament, he runs into Wilbur, Techno and Phil. They get jealous and confront Tommy, but Tommy pops off and tells them to go XD

3) Store Owner Au - Dream SMP but they run a massive shop XD I've seen this Au thrown around a bit and wanted to try it! Basically...we have a couple of Karen's in one day and Tommy is the one that has to deal with them. He has a migraine and he gets overwhelmed and ends up having a panic attack in the employee break room. It's your choice who finds him!

 4) Pansexual Tommy/ Homophobic parents - Tommy's parents are divorced and he lives with his dad. His dad is abusive and a complete dickhead. One night, he's on a call with Eret (painting their nails?) and his dad comes in drunk. Eret listens in horror before taking Tommy away from his shitty dad.

 5) Musical Au - Dream SMP but they're a touring musical. Random things go wrong, it's up to you!

 Leave any other requests that you have here.

 1330 words

 take care

 love you all

 - Ace O :))

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