Burn his values - SBI (2)

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In this only the disc war happened. Tommy's disc's are the most important thing to him. Techno Wilbur and Tommy all have a house together.

Wilbur's P.O.V

Techno and I had been out looking for Tommy. The boy had simply told us he had to go and meet someone before leaving. He'd been gone for a good 10 minutes and wanted to know what was going on. So I grabbed my sword and left. Techno followed in suit once I told him my thoughts. We began to walk around the SMP having no clue where he had gone. "He mentioned something about Skeppy wanting to speak to him earlier." Techno said. 

"Let's go to the mansion then." 

As we reached the edge of the quartz villa, I heard screaming. Tommy. We ran around the mansion, down the grassy and finally saw what was happening. Tommy was on the ground, sobbing. Bad was stood beside him and Skeppy was looking confused. A fire was in between them and I knew something had gone down. Tommy rarely cried. And if he did it was only in front of me or Phil. If he cried in front of Techno he said it would make him look weak compared to the piglin-hybrid no matter how many times we had told him that crying didn't make him weak. Whatever had happened clearly broke something inside the young boy and I couldn't bare to see him in such a fragile state. I ran to his side, dropping to my knees and pulling him into my arms. Tommy's head dropped to rest against my chest, his whole body trembling as quiet whimpers of pain and sorrow left his lips. I stroked my hand over his back the other hand stroking his hair as I whispered softly to him, "It's okay Tommy, I've got you, it's okay." 

"I w-wanna go home, I-I w-wanna go h-home." He murmured shakily and I was pretty sure that my heart shattered at his words. I just held him in my arms listening as Techno yelled at the others. After a moment or two, I realised how cold it was out. I was shivering, Techno was clearly cold and we both had warm clothing on. Tommy only had his t-shirt and jeans, the poor kid must've been freezing. I quickly picked him up in my arms, my fingertips resting on his icy skin for a little longer. Techno walked back over to us, taking off his cape and draping it over our little brother. I carried him back towards our house. "I-I wanna go home Will, I c-can't be h-here. I-I failed Ph-Phil." What had they done to my little brother?

"You haven't failed him, in any way. Tommy this is on them. Phil will understand." 

"What's happened?" I asked.

"They...uh...they burnt his discs." 

"Oh my god." I gripped the boy tighter to me. Rage filled me. "I'm gonna kill them. I swear to god." Techno put his hand on my shoulder.

"Be calm Wilbur. I'll deal with them. Trust me. You need to focus on Tommy." 

I nodded. He was right. We reached home and I went straight up to my room with Tommy. I set him on the bed, laying beside him. The discs were everything to him. When we left home to move to the SMP we couldn't bring much with us as it would weigh us down, only our clothes and one item. I struggled in choosing what I wanted to bring eventually deciding on my guitar, Techno brought his favourite sword and Tommy had no problem in choosing his discs. They were the only item that carried sentimental value for him. Phil had given them to him when he was 5. It was the thing he carried to remember Phil as we rarely saw him anymore with the distance. We needed Phil. Tommy had got it into his brain that he had failed Phil and I knew that that hurt. A lot. We needed Dadza. 

I got out my comm and typed a message.

Hey Dad,

Something's happened. Two people took and burned Tommy's discs. He really needs to see you. The poor kid is distraught over it and I don't know what to do. Techno is adimant on killing them and Tommy keeps saying he wants to go home and that he failed you! We really need you Dad.
Love Wilbur.
I pressed send and laid back holding my baby brother close and praying he'd feel somewhat better when he woke up.
Only 3 hours later I was woken up to knocking on the door. Techno had gone out to deal with Bad and Skeppy so I guessed it was him. As soon as I moved to get up, Tommy woke up whining quietly. I shushed him and told him to go back to sleep but he gripped onto my yellow sweater. I smiled fondly at him, lifting him so he was against my hip, his legs around my waist. I put a hand on his back and hurried down the stairs to the door. Pulling back the latch and swinging it open I was in shock. Dream was stood there... Right beside Phil.
"I heard you needed me," He smiled, "So I came as fast as I could." 
"How did you get here so fast?!!" I said still in the mild shock of the moment.
"Took the nether way. How is he?" He asked, gesturing to Tommy who had fallen asleep against me. I shook my head, "He's not doing great. I got up to answer the door and he wouldn't let go of me. Nevermimd how sweet it might be, it is a little worrying." Phil nodded.
"Yeah, I get that. Where's Techno?"
"He went to deal with Skeppy and Bad." I took Phil inside and explained in detail what had happened. As I finished, Tommy woke up. I noticed him blinking the bleariness from his eyes and began to rub my hand over his back. "Hey Tommy." I whispered, "Guess who's here?" He became a little more awake at these words and looked around. When he caught sight of Phil, tears welled in his eyes again. I set him down only for him to taken into a hug from Phil. "Hey son." Phil whispered against Tommy's hair,"It's okay. I promise. I've got you."
"I'm s-sorry." Tommy began.
"No, no I'm not mad at you. You have no reason to be sorry! I'm really proud of you, alright? I love you, none of this is your fault."

There was another knock on the door and I ran to open it. Techno was stood holding both Bad and Skeppy tightly in either hand, his fingers wrapped around one of the arms so tight that they were going white. "Where's Tommy?" He said.

"He's with Phil." 

"Phil's here?" 

"Yeah, came by nether." 

"Right, well, these two have something to say that Tommy might like to hear." 

I went inside and crouched in front of Tommy. "Bad and Skeppy are outside, you don't have to speak to them if you don't want to but Techno says they have something you might like to hear." 

"You'll be with me right?" He said tiredly.

"Of course." 

"Okay, I'll talk to them." I took one of Tommy's hands and Phil took the other. We went together to the front door. Tommy was practically hiding behind us but trying to look like he wasn't scared.

"Firstly we owe you an apology." Bad said, "We had no right to do that. Skeppy has something to give you." Skeppy reached into his backpack and pulled out two discs. I was so confused I thought the discs were burnt.

"The discs were fakes. These are the real ones. You took down the statue that I built for down and I thought you were doing it to spite me. It made me sad and Skeppy knew that so he took two fake discs and burnt them in front of you. We had no idea that it be like that for you. We didn't realise how much they meant to you." 

Tommy reached forward and grabbed the discs placing them inside before shuffling forwards. "Um, B-Bad can I s-speak to you?" He said. Bad nodded. Bad and Tommy went in to the living room shutting the door so they could talk privately.

Tommy's P.O.V

I had to be honest with him. We both sat down on chairs facing each other. "I didn't k-know that t-taking down the s-statue down would m-make you sad. I-I'm sorry. I did it because I-I couldn't stand seeing m-myself. Leaving the house and seeing myself...I just hated it. The statue was amazing b-but every time I s-saw it, my brain w-would just tell me I was unworthy of it. E-eventually I got s-sick of telling m-myself I wasn't good e-enough for it, s-so I took it down in hopes that I could feel a b-bit better then put it back u-up." I began to shake out of the fear of what he might say. Would he tell me my brain was right? That I wasn't enough. Would he be angry? Would he laugh? Would he-

I was cut from my thoughts as I felt arms wrap around me. Bad was hugging me. "I'm so sorry. Gosh, Tommy, I'm so so so sorry. I had no idea that you felt like that. We shouldn't have done what we did. Ever. There's no excuse. I really hope you can forgive me." 

I smiled a little. 

"Of course." 

"And if you ever need any help. Mental health or you just want to talk remember you have your family, me and Eret is really good with that kind of thing. We love you." 

"Thank you." 

Part 2 finished. 

1630 words

love you guys

- Ace O

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