Overwhelmed - Tommy + Karl + Sapnap + Quackity (pt2)

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Tommy's P.O.V

When I woke up, I was warm. I wasn't outside anymore, I knew that much but I didn't know much about what had happened the previous night. I remembered small things, like ending up in Brighton, calling Sapnap and then...Sapnap came and got me! Oh shit, I was in their house. I was intruding here. They were going to yell at me. I was going to get kicked out again. 

Somewhere in the middle of my panic, someone had taken my hands and begun to whisper, telling me I needed to breathe. 

"--my. Tommy! Can you hear me?!" Karl's voice cut through my thoughts.

I nodded in response, finally realising that I wasn't breathing. I couldn't breathe. 

"Okay, it's just me, it's just Karl. I'm right here. You're safe." 

"I'm s-sorry." I began to apologise, my voice still husky from having just woken up.

"You have no reason to apologise, okay? Just try and slow your breathing." 


It took a couple of minutes, but I managed to calm myself down. Karl came and sat down beside me, rubbing my back. "Okay? How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Tired," I murmured, "My head hurts." 

"Yeah, I bet," Karl's hand came up to my forehead, "You feel like you have a slight fever. Are you in any pain or anything, other than your head?" 

"I guess, my cheek kinda hurts and my back." 

"Why does your back hurt?" 

"Previous injury." 

"Do you mind telling me what it's from?" 

"Dad was in a hurry...and angry...I tried to ask him something, so it was my fault, and he just grabbed my neck and shoved me into the doorframe." 

Karl looked sad. Did I say something wrong? 

"How long ago did he do that?" 

"Only like...2 days? I think?" 

"Can I check it?" 

"Um..." I thought for a moment. Did I trust him? Yes. More than my parents for sure. He didn't seem like he was going to try and hurt me, "Yeah, okay..." 

I turned to the side allowing Karl to lift up the back of my shirt. I heard him gasp, "Shit...that's quite...that's pretty bad Tommy. Has he ever done things like that before? Or maybe he did it to your mum or she did it to you?" 

"I guess so. I mean. It's probably my fault. I get a lot wrong." 

"No. What do you class as wrong?" 

"Breaking rules, not living up to my parent's expectations, failing to complete a task, the list goes on." 

"Tommy, that's..." Karl trailed off, unsure of what to say. He looked disappointed and I found myself apologising again, "Don't apologise love. You have no reason to be sorry." 

"You just looked angry," I murmured.

"I was angry with your parents, not you." 

Karl's P.O.V

It was good that he was opening up, even if it was just a little. The more I knew, the angrier I was at his parents but also, the more evidence we had that his parents were abusive and the more likely we would be to win custody. I guess it was time to ask the question that had been heavy on my mind, "Tommy, how come you're in Brighton? What happened last night?" 

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