Sick days - Tommy

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T/W Throwing up.

Tommy's P.O.V

Of course. Of fucking course I got sick in school. It was a P.E day so I was in the uniform shorts and t-shirt. I was sat in the middle of my English lesson, beside Tubbo, trying to ignore the burning pains that were shooting across my stomach. No one in the house knew that, when I was young, I had been diagnosed with GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease). Not even Tubbo. having GERD meant that I got sick a lot as a kid. I had heartburn constantly, chronic cough and gradually worsening asthma. The asthma had never left but, as I grew up, I began to stop having my 'episodes' as much. An 'episode' included extreme stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, trouble breathing, fever and constant, extreme hypotension. I found myself unable to move without passing out in the bad episodes.

 This was the worst pain I'd experienced in a long while and I wasn't sure what to do. I pulled my mask up higher on my nose and leant my head on Tubbo's shoulder. I saw his eyes light up a little and I knew that he was smiling fondly, although I couldn't exactly see it. "Are you alright?" He whispered. I shook my head, pressing my forehead harder against his shoulder. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Feel sick," I murmured. I mean, it wasn't a lie. I was feeling increasingly nauseous as time passed and as the pain grew worse.

"Do you wanna go to SSC?" Tubbo asked. SSC stood for Student Support Centre although the main teacher who stayed there joked about changing it to Student Social Club with the number of people that went there without any actual reason. The two main teachers there, Mr Stephens and Mrs Jones were really nice and I knew that they would listen to me. 

"Might have to," I replied to Tubbo's earlier question. Tubbo immediately took charge, putting up his hand to get our English teachers attention.

"Yes, Tubbo?" She asked.

"Can I take Tommy to SSC?" He said quietly so he wouldn't gain any unwanted attention. The teacher just nodded gesturing to the door. I grabbed my coat and bag as Tubbo did the same, then he grabbed my arm and led me out of the door. "How long have you been feeling ill?" Tubbo asked.

"The pain started halfway through last lesson." I answered honestly, "But I've been feeling off all day."

Tubbo just squeezed my hand and kept his steps in time with mine as he took me towards the smaller building at the back of the school ground.

When we walked in, there were two students in there. One from an older year and one from a younger year. They were having their own little debate in the corner so we just ignored them and walked up to the counter. Mrs Jones smiled at us, standing up from her desk and walking over. "How can I help?" She asked.

"Can I message one of my guardians?" I asked. 

She nodded, "Yeah, of course, if you want to call anyone meeting room 2 is free."

SSC was split into 4 parts. The two main parts were the office - where the teachers would sit, and then the main room where all the students would sit. Then there were two meeting rooms for - you guessed it - meetings or for if someone just needed a quiet space for a little bit. Tubbo lead me into the second meeting room (it was the larger of the two) and let me sit down on a chair in the corner. I brought my legs up to my chest hoping to relieve some of the pain and took my phone out of my pocket handing it to Tubbo. He unlocked it. "Who do you want to call?" He asked.

"Um, Wilbur?" 

"He's out with Techno and Phil, remember?" 

"Oh, yeah, uh...Nikki?" 

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