Drop everything for you - Tommy

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T/W for self harm. First it's a mention and then it gets a little more in depth. I have put a trigger warning where the more descriptive part is. Please look after yourselves! Love you <3

Tommy's P.O.V

So. I guess it was my fault for letting it get so bad but I couldn't really help it. Wilbur had been working on some songs so he wasn't as active and, although I would never admit it, I missed him. Phil, Techno and Tubbo had been hanging out with Ranboo and I was sure that I would be bothering people if I tried to talk with anyone else.

After all, I'm the problem.

They say it all the time. My parents, the kids at school, the millions of people online. Wilbur told me to pay them no mind but I can't help it. It's all I read. All I hear. Especially now, when I wasn't streaming much and if I was then I was streaming solo. This just seemed like another reason for people to make fun of me.

They're all leaving as they realise how annoying you really are.

Haha everyone loves Ranboo, I mean he is twice the person you'll ever be.

FINALLY, people are staying away from this ugly fuck. He just talks over people, that literally all he does.

I'll admit. The comments were beginning to get to me. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't talk to any of the people that I would normally speak with as they were all either busy or sleeping - different time zones. 

I had no one to talk to when I was beginning to break at two am. 

I had no one to talk to when I was hyperventilating at three am.

I had no one to talk to when I relapsed at four am after 2 whole months of being clean from my blade.

I had no one to talk to when I only made the breakdown worse, realising what I had done at five am.

I had no one to talk to when I went outside at six am.

I had no one to talk to as I walked down the winding pathways, finally coming across my special place at seven am.

I had no one to talk to as I collapsed at the riverside, sobbing at eight am.

By nine am, I had to throw on my Tommyinnit facade, and join Quackity's jackbox stream.

I myself wasn't streaming but Quackity was. I brought Quackity's stream chat up on my second monitor so I could see what Quackity's chat was saying. In the beginning, it was as expected. Just people being really excited for the stream. However, as time went on people began to notice that there was something wrong.

Is Tommy still there?

The child has finally shut up.

It's so peaceful when Tommy doesn't talk.

It would still be better if Tommy wasn't in the stream and someone better was there.

As soon as the round ended, I opted to get out of there. "Hey, guys, it's been fun but motherinnit needs some help so I'm gonna head out."

"Okay!" Quackity said, "See you later!" 

"See ya." 

I left the call but kept open Quackity's stream.

Yessss he's finally gone.

Everyone get ready for the stream to be really good now.

Now my ears will stop hurting from his nasty voice.

I turned off my computer and my streaming lights, leaving on my LED lights only, turning them blue. I pulled the hood of my hoodie up over my hair, and pulled my knees to my chest, still sitting in my chair. Clicking onto my spotify, I played Wilbur's album - Your city gave me asthma. 

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