Epileptic - Karl x Sapnap x Quackity

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I know it's not relevant at all but I drew George! This is just a quick sketch so it's not much but I got some proportions right. :))

Karl's P

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Karl's P.O.V

I had been feeling unwell the entire day. For the morning, I stayed cuddled up between my boyfriends but soon we had to get up. I had to stream on twitch and I had agreed to play among us with some people. Sapnap was going to visit Dream and Quackity had to go to the shops and get some food since the house was almost empty of food and we were planning on going on a trip in a week or so. 

I slowly got out of bed, taking my medication and getting changed. I threw on a black Dream hoodie and a pair of light blue jeans making my way to the office after kissing Sapnap and Quackity goodbye as they left to do their retrospective jobs. I settled down into my gaming chair and began to set up my stream. 

An hour into it, I realised that I really didn't feel good anymore. To be safe, I finished up my stream; that way I didn't have to be too freaked out if I did end up having a seizure or getting sick. I also decided that I would stick with someone each round so they could contact Sapnap and or Quackity and let them know what was happening. This round I was sticking with Corpse. He was the only person that I had given Sapnap and Quackity's number to in this lobby and he wasn't streaming either. It was proximity chat so I was able to talk to him. 

"Hey, uh, Corpse," I murmured as we made our way to the top of the greenhouse on the Mira HQ map.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"I-I think I'm gonna h-have a seizure. I...I-I don't know, can you just, stay here, and if I do have a seizure, make sure no one comes in or calls a meeting or something. I don't w-want that on people's stream."

"Okay, that's fine, just keep talking to me so I know if it happens."


We began to talk about random things as I tried to stay conscious. 1 minute later, things got fuzzy and began to fade. "I-I'm slipping C-Corpse." I whimpered, I really didn't want to have a seizure. I was home alone and I was scared. I pushed my headphones off my head, leaning back into the chair. Come on, Karl, I reminded myself, just take some deep breaths. You'll be fine. You'll be -

It went dark.

Corpse's P.O.V

I heard as his voice began to trail and I knew that he was close to blacking out. 

"I-I'm slipping C-Corpse." He whimpered. He sounded scared and I felt very bad for him. A few seconds passed and then there was a thud followed by quiet struggling noises. He was having a seizure. I moved my among us character to the bottom of O2, that way, I could warn anyone that was coming and tell them they couldn't go in. I sat there in the game staying still as I pulled out my phone. Quackity's number was on the top so I called him first, it rang a few times before he picked up.

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