As the Earth Burns to the Ground pt 3 & A Notice

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T/W blood and injury - general gore and suicide in the A/N

"Emergency Alert System - Civil emergency in this area until --:--:-- UNDETERMINED. Please listen and follow the instructions. The government has issued a warning for all citizens in the united states, this is NOT a drill and this is NOT a test. All citizens are advised to STAY AT HOME and NOT be seen on the streets. The infected are EXTREMELY aggressive and will attack all those who aren't infected. Once infected there is NO KNOWN CURE and there is a 100% probability of death. There are several red zones where the infection rate is at its highest, we recommend leaving or avoiding them at all costs. They are:

New York, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Minneapolis, MN
Washington, DC
Jacksonville, FL {that's where they are}
Pittsburgh, PA
Atlanta, GA
Des Moines, IA

Stay in your homes, wait for the all-clear to signal and only then will you be allowed to be evacuated to safe stations currently set up to check civilians for infection. If you are found to be outside of your home you will be neutralised immediately."

The TV switched off.

The house had begun to grow restless. It had only been around 4 hours since the last broadcast but it was still enough to put everyone on edge. Morals were extremely low and it was only the first day. It was obvious as to why. Tommy was still missing. It was unreasonable but for some reason, Phil was expecting Tommy to just appear within those hours. Show up, completely unharmed, with a wild grin on his face and then everyone would feel better. Everyone would have some motivation to try. It was a stupid idea. He was most likely dead by now- but no. Phil couldn't think like that. If he showed just how badly he was hurting, there would be no hope for any of them. He had to keep believing, if not for Tommy, then for the rest of the household.

Somewhere, not so far away, Tommy was waking up. The first thing he noticed was that everything was on fire. Or, at least, it felt that way. His body ached and burned like someone had covered him in gasoline and lit the match, an agony he wished he never experienced but he knew he couldn't stay where he was, or he would soon be dead. The sounds of the undead drifted up from the street, bringing him quickly to awareness and the uncomfortable feeling of sinking back into his body washed over him. There wasn't much time. It was clear that they had broken into the airport below him and if they managed to get up onto the roof - well - he didn't even want to think about what would happen. Slowly shifting into a sitting position, he scanned the area in hopes of an escape route.

After a moment of looking and consideration, Tommy decided that the easiest escape would be across the rooftops like some god damn action movie. He'd seen plenty of those and in all, it was made to look so easy but as he dragged himself slowly on hands and knees to look over the edge of the airport, it didn't look so straightforward. In fact, it looked like one small mishap would kill him. Probably because it definitely would. He would need to jump a good 1.5-metre gap, over a huge drop, with a bullet in his leg. It was crazy! It was the only way that Tommy could escape and he knew that but accepting it was another story. He wanted to lie there, on the rooftop forever, letting himself fade away into nothingness, his limbs felt too heavy to move but he had to try. For his parents back at home (god he hoped they were okay) his friends - who were somewhere hopefully nearby - he had to try. Pushing himself slowly to his feet, ignoring the sharp pain that shot through his leg as he did, he slowly staggered towards the edge, only just keeping himself from falling off. Gazing down over the drop, his heart plummeted, he couldn't survive a fall like that, no one could. A little way across, on the floor, he could just make out the shape of a body, bloody and mangled, buried beneath a pile of the undead. The women that shot him. He couldn't help the wave of guilt that washed over him. They were both in unfortunate situations and she had panicked, he just really wished she hadn't thrown herself off of the roof. She could've lived with him. But, Tommy thought, at least she wasn't suffering anymore. Her death would have been instant, died on impact. A small voice in the back of his head began to whisper, quiet words wrapping around his brain as it told him that hey, maybe he should jump too. He was in so much pain, adrenaline the only thing keeping him going, and he knew that it wouldn't last forever. NO! He had to keep going. He inched himself closer to the edge before backing up slightly, a running start would definitely be easier. His fingers curled against his palms, clenching and unclenching as he psyched himself up for the jump. One jump and then he could rest again, that was all. Drawing in a deep breath, he pushed himself forward breaking into a short sprint. Feeling his foot reaching the edge, he reached up his arms, pushing off of the concrete and hurtling through the air. Looking down for a split second he felt his heart plummet. It would be so easy. So simple to just underestimate how far the gap was and then he would be falling. Down and down and-

He was interrupted as he slammed down hard against the concrete of the next roof with a groan of pain. That hurt like a bitch. He should have expected it though, it wasn't like all his injuries were going to disappear mid-air. Rolling onto his side and spitting a mouthful of blood onto the cold cement, he realised, he'd made it. Carefully, pushing himself to his feet again, he limped his way over to the next edge of the building. There were two places he could jump to this time, one taking him further north and the other switching east. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he vaguely remembered the address and a sign on the street below caught his eye. 


He knew where he needed to go.

Sorry this one is so short and in the third person. I wanted to test writing in the third person as I have completely forgotten how to after getting so used to writing in the first person instead.

I'm gonna be honest with you guys, this book might be starting to come to an end, I love you all but I'm losing motivation to write and the outcome when I do post isn't much as they're so few and far apart that I've lost a lot of people. I've come so far from the first chapter - saw a huge improvement in my writing only for it to decline once more. My mental health is at an all-time low. I don't know if I'll live to post the next chapter but part of me hopes that I will. I just don't know if I have the energy to try again. I love you all so much. You made last year and the year before bearable and really pushed me to keep going. You mean so much to me. It's not over yet, I don't think. Hopefully, we'll make it to 200 chapters first - I think that's the limit. After that (if I'm still here) I might still make posts on Ao3, which I will make notifications for on this discord server . Those posts will likely be rare though. Thank you all <3

1300 words

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take care

- Bee :]]

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