Esempee Primary Pt 1.

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George's P.O.V

It was the first day of school. Dream and I had got in early, around 6 am, to set up the classroom and make sure we had everything ready. It was set up so that there were two circular tables - one in each back corner of the room - a whiteboard in the centre and a big open square of carpet/soft mat where they could sit for floor time. We had colourful displays up on the walls and fairy lights strung down as well as the normal big lights as the normal lights were quite bright and weren't always that nice if someone had a headache or was just feeling light sensitive. Dream and I had recruited the help of a fellow teacher - Eret - for making small paper ornaments that we could hang from the ceiling. Dream and I would sit at the front on either side of the whiteboard while the two teaching assistants would sit on either side of the room.

Wilbur and Techno were the first to arrive as they were also working so we just went through the day plan with them. The bell rang about 10 minutes later and we all waited for Principal Minecraft to lead in the kids. Most of the classes were being taken in by their teachers but our class was being brought in by Phil as he knew one of the kids and said it would be easier if he stayed with a familiar face for his first day. That meant Phil was just going to hang around in the classroom for a bit.

5 minutes passed before there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" I called enthusiastically. Phil was the first to appear in the doorway followed by 8 kids. "Good morning everyone! Come and have a seat on the floor!" The kids made a circle on the ground and Dream, Wilbur, Techno, Phil and I joined them.

"Alright, so, I was thinking that first of all we could do a mini introduction of ourselves. I'll go first. My name is George NotFound but you know me as Mr NotFound. My favourite colour is blue, I like computers and I'm colourblind." I said. A couple of the kids started whispering confusedly about what colourblind meant.

"How does he know where we are if he can't see?!" A boy with a blue jumper and grey beanie whispered a bit too loudly.

"I can see, I just don't see the same colours as you. Where you see green, I see yellow. And where you see purple, I see blue. I can still see." They all let out a noise of understanding.

I turned to the young girl sitting on my left.

"I'm Nikki, I like pink and I like drawing." She said quietly.

"Nikki has depressive episodes which means sometimes she gets really sad and on those days we've gotta try and be really kind and help cheer her up." Dream said, it was important for the kids to understand how everyone was different and how they could help and be kind.

"My name is Sapnap, my favourite colour is orange and I like fire."

Dream and I didn't have much to say for that so we just allowed the next person to speak.

" name is Karl, I like the colour purple...and uh... I like...'m sorry, I can't think of anything." Karl trailed off curling slightly into himself, uncomfortable with everyone looking at him. Wilbur was sat next to him and quietly whispered to him making sure that he was alright. "That's okay Karl, you don't need to think of anything if you can't. Karl has anxiety which means he gets really nervous and it's overwhelming for him and a tic disorder which means sometimes he makes noises or movements that he can't control. But we're not going to judge him or laugh at that unless he thinks it's funny as well." I said softly. Next up was Wilbur.

"Hello, my name is Wilbur, my favourite colour is yellow, I like music and I have mild anxiety which means sometimes I get really nervous, just like Karl." He said. I gave him a smile. Next was the boy from before with the blue hoodie and grey beanie.

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