Allowance - Tommy

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People wanted me to continue with the whole 'Tommy's dad wasn't letting him eat' as a form of discipline. So, I'm gonna take that idea and put into a new chapter!

|\|Wilbur's P.O.V|/|

It didn't take long for me to realise that something was going on with young boy I had grown to love like a little brother. There was something lurking beneath the loud, boisterous stream persona, the quiet, gentle, childish, off-stream Tommy. Something wasn't right. It was only when I met up with him in Brighton that I realised it could be a lot worse than I thought.

When Tommy arrived, it was him and his dad. He came into the cafe first, a small, nervous smile appearing on his lips when he saw us. I stood up and made my way over, opening my arms to offer him a hug. "Eyyyyy, Tommy!" I said enthusiastically. He accepted the hug, leaning into it. "Hey, Wilbur." I paused as I realised how easily my arms could wrap around him. How I could practically feel his ribs through his t-shirt. There was something very, very wrong. Phil to got up, and soon Fundy, and Nikki and Eret. They each hugged the younger boy in turn, flashing me a glance to see if I'd noticed it too. Tubbo was the last to get up and he flung himself at Tommy almost knocking the younger teen over. The horrified look on his face when he turned to check if I had felt the unnatural weight of his best friend, hurt my heart. We all went back and sat down, I pulled Tommy to sit in between Nikki and me in the booth. 

"Where's your dad Tommy?" Fundy asked, "He drove you here didn't he?" 

"Yeah, he's outside. Got a call from my mum." 

"Oh right." 

"Well, how have you been?" I asked. 

"I uh...I-I've been good, you?" He said, no one missed the little stutter or the hesitation.

"I've been good." 

Everyone nodded or made some noise of affirmation. That's when Tommy's father walked in. He came over to us and Phil and I were the ones to stand up, shaking his hand and introducing us all. 

"Tommy, a word." He said after a moment, beckoning Tommy away. No one missed the fearful look on his face.

They stood on the other side of the cafe. I was trying my hardest not to be nosy but I couldn't help glancing over from time to time. I saw Tommy's dad grab Tommy's wrist when he went to walk away. It wasn't in a fathers way of telling their son to wait. It wasn't loose. It was a tight grip that was for sure going to leave a mark. I saw the pain in Tommy's expression but still, I said nothing. I didn't want to make the situation worse. Tommy soon came back over to join us. No one missed the way he looked like he was about to cry.

"Well, I'm gonna have to leave to take care of some work things but I trust you to keep him in line." 

It wasn't, I trust you to keep him safe, or make sure he's fine it was just to keep Tommy in check. Phil walked out with Tommy's father wanting to talk to him. "Everything okay?" I asked casually. He just nodded and looked forward.

"Okay," Phil said walking back in, "Toby and Tommy, either of you want anything to eat before we leave?" 

Tommy immediately shook his head, worrying me even more. Toby thought about it and ended up buying something to eat along the way. Then we headed out for the day. 

The whole time, Tommy was quiet and reserved. It was like he was when he got tired. He constantly clung to either Tubbo, Eret or my side. Every now and again I would look down at his wrist and each time was worse than the last. A deep purple bruise was beginning to flower around its circumference. Small bloody crescent shapes were dug into the skin and I felt so angry. I was so angry that someone could do that to Tommy, that someone would do that to a child. As much as Tommy denied, he knew just as well as I did that he was still a kid. We split off into two groups. Tubbo, Tommy, Eret and I made up group one, Phil, Fundy and Nikki was group two. Walking around the town, we made the most out of our day together. 

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