You don't have to do this on your own. - Tommy

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This story is about cancer. Again if you can't read this, no one's going to be mad! Please look after yourselves, you're way more important than a chapter.

Tommy's P.O.V

I'd had enough. Over the past month or two, I'd had constant pain in my lower side, I already had blood pressure issues but they seemed to have gotten worse, recently I had developed a fever and I had a persistent cough, once actually coughing up blood. My parents were away. They had been gone for 3 months already on a business exchange and I hadn't told anyone because they wouldn't care. I began to stream less and less, unable to focus due to the pain. That's when the others began to catch on.

Wilbur invited me to do a stream with him and I accepted. It was the first stream that I had done in a long time and I guess it was obvious that there was something wrong because as soon as the stream ended, Wilbur asked, "Are you okay?" 

Was I okay? I didn't even know anymore. I was alone, I was terrified, I was in pain, and I just wanted a hug. I missed my parents even though I knew they didn't miss me. They would call me once a week and the first thing they would say would be, "Have you been a nuisance?" Or other variations of asking me if I'd been annoying people. There was no how are you or we miss you. Just, have you caused trouble? Have you broken anything? No? Good. Bye. Then the call would end and I would sit in my room crying for hours on end. The emptiness within the house had begun to settle within me. 

"Tommy?" Wilbur's voice came loudly through my headphone, breaking through my thoughts, "You still there?"

Oh right, I hadn't answered.

"I'm alright Wilbur."

"No Tommy, you're obviously not. I want you to tell me what's wrong. I'm worried about you."

"I...I just haven't been feeling well recently."

"In what way? Physical or mental?"

"Both really, but I don't think the mental is causing the physical."

"Okay, can you elaborate?" 

"I-I don't know Wilbur. There's just a shit ton of pain."

"Okay, yeah, now I'm really worried. Where's the pain, Tommy?"

"My lower back and side."

"How long have you had this pain?"

"Almost 2 months, it's just been getting slowly worse."

"What the heck?! Have you told your parents about it?"

"They're not here. They've been gone for three months now. I was thinking of calling the GP." 

"You've been alone for 3 months?!! Surely someone's been there to look after you."

"Nope. 's just me." 

"Tommy that's really bad! Here, I'll call up the doctor's and make you an appointment and then I'm going to drive down and get you."


"I'm scheduling you an appointment with the doctors up here. I want you to pack a suitcase with your clothes and if you want your streaming setup, you can always stream from my place if you want to. Phil and Techno are staying here at the moment and it's not sleepy boys inc without you. After I call the doctor, I'll drive to your house and get you. Then you can stay with us until your parents get back. When they do get back, I will be having words with them. Are you okay with that?"

"I...yeah." A small smile stretched on my face at the idea of being with another person.

"Tommy, I'm gonna get Phil to sit and talk with you while I call the GP." 

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