You need to sleep Tommy - Tommy (pt2)

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Tommy's P.O.V

Two hours later I had a bag packed and I was sitting at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for Wilbur to arrive. 

Knock, knock, knock.

I scrambled to open the door, unlatching it and letting it swing open. Wilbur stepped inside giving me a small smile. "Hey Toms," He said softly, opening his arms. I accepted the hug, putting my arms over his shoulders as he lifted me slightly off the ground when he stood up fully. "Oh, your face!" He exclaimed, crouching to my level and tilting my head to the side so he could see the damage more clearly, "Poor thing, that looks painful! Well, I'm here now...are you ready to go?" I nodded against his shoulder, letting him wrap his arm around my waist and lead me out to his car. I slid into the passenger seat, placing my backpack by my feet. Wilbur got into the driver's side starting the engine.

It took two hours to get to Wilbur's house. The entire ride filled with either the quiet buzz of the radio or Wilbur humming along to it. I just rested my head against the cold windowpane, watching as the world flew by. 

When we got inside, Wilbur led me up to his bedroom/office where he loaded up discord on his computer, joining a call with Techno and Phil. It was 1 am but Phil was awake and Techno lived in America so it was only 5 pm for him. Wilbur sat down in his chair and I sat on the edge of it, leaning against the older.

"Hey guys," Phil said joining the call, "How are you doing?" 

"Hello dadza," Wilbur replied, pulling me a little closer so I was more in the frame, "I took the child." 

I just gave a wave feeling tired and overwhelmed, unable to really process my thoughts. 

"We can see that Will," Techno said, "Did you kidnap him or do his parents know?" 

"Tommy messaged his mother but he didn't get a reply. We didn't exactly want to wait." 

"Makes sense. As long as he's safe. Wilbur, I can't believe we're trusting you to look after a child. You almost burn the house down every time that you cook." Phil laughed.

"Hey! That was one...okay... only a few times!"

I smirked, resting my head on Wilbur's shoulder as he began to run his fingers through my hair. 

"But in all seriousness, you need a hand with anything, either of you, just message me and I'll help you." 

"Okay! Thanks, Phil!" Wilbur said.

"Well, it's 1 am so you both need to get some rest. I'll speak to you in the morning. Good night." 

"Goodnight Phil, Goodnight Techno!" 

I echoed Wilbur's words, quieter though. We left the call and Wilbur turned to me. "Okay, so there's the spare room, or I could put a blow-up mattress on the floor in here, or there's the doom shack. Take your pick!" 

I stifled a laugh, "Uh, spare room sounds fine...thanks." 

"Wow, the great TommyInnit has manners! I would've never guessed!" 



We both laughed as Wilbur brought me down the hall to the spare room. "This is your room then! Tommy, you already know where my room is and I want you to know that if you need anything and I mean anything. Then come and get me. I don't care how stupid it might seem, I'm always here for you." He pressed a kiss to my forehead, ruffled my hair and then walked back down the hall. 

I opened my rucksack taking out my pyjamas...literally just an oversized black hoodie and some blue flannel trousers. I got changed before sliding under the white duvet and curling up on my side. 

Before I knew it, I was pulling out my phone to check the time. The bright screen was a harsh contrast to the darkness of the room that I had grown accustomed to over the past hour. 2 am. I had been lying there for an hour. I couldn't sleep. No. No. No. No! I couldn't deal with another one of these nights! Sleep. Just go to fucking sleep! Nope.

3 am. It was 3 am. Why, oh, why was I awake? I hated life. Well...not always, but at that moment I was 100% certain that I was willing to slam my head into the wall until I passed out. My nails dug into the palms of my hands as I began to freak out. Getting upset and frustrated with myself. Come on! Why couldn't I just sleep like a normal person?!!

4 am. That's it. I'd had enough. I threw the duvet off of me and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I got to my feet and quietly padded down the hallway to Wilbur's door. 

Wilbur's P.O.V

I was woken up by knocking at my door. Slowly getting to my feet, I made my way to the door, opening it to reveal Tommy. His were slightly red like he'd been crying and he was shifting his weight nervously like he thought I would be angry. "Hey buddy," I said softly, "You alright?" His response was a small shake of his head. I held out my hand and he took it so I brought him into my room. We sat on the edge of the bed and I ran my hand over his back in comforting circles. "What's up Toms?" I asked.

"I-It's so frustrating W-Wilby." He whimpered, curling up against my side.

"What's frustrating honey?" 

"I c-can't sleep. No matter what I d-do. I-I'm so t-tired."

I felt so bad for him. He was clearly upset and I hated to see him like that. I hugged him against me, pulling out my phone and googling;

What helps with insomnia?


Lavender Oil



The listen wasn't exactly very helpful but I could provide the first 3 things. "Hey Toms, do you want to have a bath? Or a shower?" He shook his head, so that was ruled out. "Okay, let's go to the kitchen and I'll make you a hot chocolate." I picked Tommy up, balancing him on my hip as I carried him down the stairs and set him on the kitchen counter, putting on the kettle.

I waited for it to boil, tapping my fingers on the counter as Tommy watched on, rubbing his eyes. I poured out two mugs of hot chocolate, taking them back up to the room with Tommy clinging to my side. We settled down on the bed and I turned on my oil diffuser, adding lavender oil so the room would fill with the sweet aroma. Sitting in comfortable silence, we drank our drinks and enjoyed each others company. "Do you feel ready to try and sleep again?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah, I guess so." 

"Do you wanna stay in here with me?" 

"Yes, please."

I lay down under the covers and Tommy curled up, leaning his head against my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair in hopes that it would soothe him and help him to calm down. I didn't want to sleep until I knew that Tommy was sleeping and that he would be alright.

Within 10 minutes, he had fallen asleep. His breathing evened out and his body completely relaxed. I let my eyes close and drifted off to sleep knowing that my little brother was okay.

I'm so sorry that this took so long!! I started school again and I'm already struggling a lot!

 As always, leave requests here! 

 1255 words

 Take care.

 Love you guys.

 - Ace :))

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