Late-night running - Tommy

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T/W Mild violence

Jack's P.O.V

Recently, I had been in the working out mindset. I found myself going out for a run in the evening, usually at 8 pm and getting home at 9-10. It was quite relaxing though as it was cool out and the area that we lived in had nice scenery so it was a pretty place to run through. 

Only a couple of nights before the incident, Tommy had started to join me on my nightly escapades. It was nice to have company, especially from Tommy as he managed to be both funny and peaceful at the same time. 

We would get changed after dinner, grabbing a bottle of water each before leaving the house and starting our regular route. The route was 2 miles in total. So we'd run a mile, stop at a cliffside, and then run back to the house. It was a reasonably long way, enough to tire us out and get some good exercise. 

It was our 6th night of running when everything went wrong. 

Ending one - Fainting.

We were sitting on the bench by the cliffside, looking out over the view when Tommy turned to me. I had noticed that he was pale before we left but now, he looked awful. He was shaking pitifully as he leaned against me, taking small but deep breaths. "Are you alright?" I asked, reaching out so I could put my hand on his back. 

"I, uh, I'm not feeling great." He murmured, leaning into the touch.

"Why did you come out with me if you didn't feel well?" 

"I like running with you, it's nice and I thought I'd feel better pretty quickly. It's only gotten worse though." 

"Oh Toms, let's head back alright? We can walk it and if you want I'll give you a piggyback?"

"I can walk." 

"Alright, let's get going." 

I grabbed Tommy's hand, leading him back towards the path. We walked side by side together, gradually making our way back towards the house. It was another peaceful night, a cool breeze flowing through the trees. Not enough to make us cold, just enough to keep us cool and stop us from overheating in the humid Florida weather. 

We were only a few minutes away from the house when I noticed the drastic change in pace from Tommy. He had slowed down massively and started to drag behind a little. "Toms, are you sure you don't want that piggyback? You seem like you could really use it." I said, turning so that I was facing him. He looked even worse than before, sweat beading on his forehead and skin paper pale. There was no response. "Toms?" I tried again, this time he looked over at me but there was something...vacant about the look in his eyes. "Tommy?" 

"Jack...I...I don't..." He trailed off, eyes rolling into the back of his head. His body dropped to the ground with a thud, too quick for me to catch him,

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath, "Oh shit, Toms, Tommy can you hear me?" I knelt down by his head checking him over to see if he had hurt himself at all. There was a cut on the back of his neck but nothing too serious. I was more worried about the fact that he was unconscious. Brushing back his bangs and pressing my hand to his forehead, I felt the heat radiating off of him. That wasn't good. I uncapped my water bottle, pouring the contents slowly over Tommy's neck and through his hair. "C'mon Toms, wake up for me, please," I whispered, moving his head into my lap, "You're alright, Tommy, it's okay." I noticed his eyes moving slightly under his eyelids and tapped his cheek lightly hoping to gain his attention. 

Thankfully, only a couple of seconds later, Tommy's eyes blinked open. "Tommy?" I said softly, "You with me, sweetheart?" 

"J-Jack?" He murmured groggily. 

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