It's broken - SkepHalo.

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From the vlog in which Skeppy sprained his wrist.

Skeppy's P.O.V

We were on a holiday. By 'we' I mean, Bad, George, Dream, Sapnap, Karl, A6D, Spifey and me. We had been planning the trip for a long time. Going to a nice place in Spain and spending two weeks there. We would vlog but wouldn't worry about making videos for YouTube, posting our prerecorded ones as we were taking a break after all. The first week was filled with pool days, beach days and lounging around doing nothing. There really wasn't much to say about it. We were having fun. On the days that we didn't go out, we all sat in the living room watching films and playing video games. The second week was very much the same, if not a little bit more eventful. We went to a fair and Bad and I would take a different walk everyday. 

It was the second to last day when everything went wrong. We had all gone exploring and climbed over a metal fence to get into an abandoned tunnel. The tunnel itself was scary and I clung to Bad's arm the entire time. However, when we left things took a turn. Everyone had climbed over the fence except Sapnap and me. I passed him my phone which was recording as I climbed up. When I jumped down, my sleeve somehow caught on something and I felt my hand crack backwards with a sickening pop. I clutched my arm in pain as my feet hit the ground and stumbled backwards. Bad placed his hands on my shoulders steadying me. "Are you okay?!!" Sapnap called, as he was the only one that had seen what happened.

"No." I whimpered. I held my wrist close to my chest and my back pressed up against Bad's front. My boyfriend turned me around in his arms so that I was facing him. "What's wrong? What did you do?" 

"I...fuck-m-my wrist." I murmured, pushing myself into his arms just wishing he could get rid of all of my pain. 

"Language," He scolded softly, "Can you show me your wrist, love?" I nodded and pulled up my light blue sleeve, revealing my wrist. There was a long cut across it and blood was dripping down my caramel skin. It was swollen around the bone and it was clear that something was really wrong. "Oh my goodness!" Bad said, "You need to go to the hospital!"  The others gathered and once they had seen the state of my wrist they agreed. So it was decided, we all got back into the two separate cars and drove to the hospital.

Upon arrival, Bad took me inside, to the front desk and explained what happened - minus the illegal trespassing part. I was immediately taken back to get an x-ray before being taken to a room. I sat on the bed and Daryll sat beside me. I leaned my head onto his shoulder, letting him run his fingers through my dark, raven hair. "Oh Zac." He whispered, "What am I going to do with you?" He shook his head, "Have to cover you with bubble wrap." I giggled at his suggestion and he pulled me closer with a smile. "I'm sorry Daryll." I whispered.

"What why?!" 

"Because I r-ruined the end of our trip." 

"No. No you didn't geppy. You could never ruin our trip! It's been amazing! It's just unfortunate that you got hurt on the second to last day!" He slipped his hand into my good hand rubbing his thumb over the back of my knuckles. 

The results came back, I had two breaks in my carpus. I ended the day with stitched in the cut and a fibreglass cast. I knew that the others would look after me.

Had to make this short! I have to go but wanted to post something!

love you guys.

unedited (clearly)

- Ace O  :)))

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