I've Seen Shooting Stars and Crystal Balls and Magic in the Breeze

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Many people knew the likes of the SBI family. A lot of it came from the fact that the father, Phil, was a professor within the school, a favourite of most students. He was kind, funny and a good teacher. Even the Slytherin students - who liked sucking up to all the strict teachers - enjoyed his classes. He was a fair teacher who didn't immediately enforce punishment, instead, listened and reasoned with his students as any good teacher should. He was pretty notable in the school, with older students telling the younger students that Phil's class was the one they should look forward to.

Another reason for the family being so well known could have been the twins, Wilbur and Techno. Despite them being twins, they had very opposite tastes and personalities. Techno was very private and reserved, preferring to watch and listen than join in on others' conversations. And although he had long pink hair, he wore a majority of grey or black clothes. He had been sorted into Slytherin house in his first year so everyone assumed that he was spiteful or evil, waiting for the right moment to strike, forgetting that not all Slytherins were like that. They had good qualities, like their ambition, resourcefulness and intelligence. Wilbur was his opposite. He was louder, very talkative and cheerful. He wore bright yellows and browns which corresponded with his house colours of brown and blue. He enjoyed the company of others, worked better in a team and had been sorted into Ravenclaw in his first year. The qualities were clear, he was creative, witty and wise. Techno looked more like Phil, while Wilbur looked more like their mother who had been a notorious witch, passing away from illness a couple of months after the twins were born.

 Phil had a third son, his youngest, who was 3 years younger than the twins making him 14. He was adopted by Phil at the age of 12 with a load of trauma after escaping his abusive muggle parents and running into Phil in the middle of the night. He was bright and kind, willing to throw himself under the bus for his two best friends Tubbo and Ranboo whom he had met on his first day. He had been standing clinging to Wilbur's robe sleeve for as long as he could until he was told he had to leave his brothers to make the trip separately. He only agreed to leave Wilbur's side when two boys, who had noticed his fear had made their way over introducing themselves and promising that they'd stay with him instead. That was the start of their inseparable friendship. Tommy honestly looked more like Phil than either of his biological sons did with his pale skin, blue eyes and unruly blonde hair so no one ever really suspected anything and was shocked when anyone told them. Very few people knew though as Tommy was worried about the bullying he could receive if anyone thought he was muggle born. He had already heard some of the rumours from the older years. Tommy had been sorted into Hufflepuff with a little hesitation. See, Tommy showed traits from all of the 4 houses, though his loyalty, patience and hard-working mindset seemed to shine through the most. That and his cripplingly low self-esteem, though that definitely wasn't a reason. Nope. Tubbo and Ranboo were also fortunately sorted into the Hufflepuff house so everything seemed to work out.

Phil and Tommy's meeting was...abnormal to say. It started on a dark and rainy night in early February.


The rain felt like tiny daggers digging into his bare skin as Phil pulled his cloak hood over his head, footsteps echoing over the cold cobble floor. Of course it would start pouring it down with rain the second he had finished shopping. All he had wanted was to pick up some bread, milk and other essentials that he and his twins had been running low on and now he was running through a torrential downpour to get back to their cottage. The village was fairly small so he didn't have far to run but it was still far enough that the water was soaking through his clothes and settling uncomfortably against his skin. He was 5 minutes away from home when he paused. He didn't want to stop but something forced him to. He was standing at the entrance to an alley between a shop and a house, nothing visible through the pitch black that awaited him. A dull buzz thrummed beneath his skin, the same buzz that appeared in the presence of a force or a person far more powerful than the likes of himself. The kind of power that left ripples in the air and your hair standing on its ends. A kind of power Phil had only encountered once. Stepping a little further into the alley, Phil cursed himself for his lack of self-preservation before calling out, "Hello? Anyone there?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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