You don't have to do this on your own - Tommy (pt2)

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Again, this story contains cancer and needles so if you can't read about those things then it's okay!! No one's going to judge you! <3

Wilbur's P.O.V

It was 8 am and I had to get Tommy to the doctor's office by 9 am so I walked down the hall to see if he was awake yet.  I knocked on the door hearing a quiet, "Come in." 

Tommy was already up and changed, just sitting on the edge of his bed. "You wanna come and get some breakfast before we go?" I asked.

"Not hungry, but thanks." 

"Okay, well, we're going to leave in a minute so make sure you're ready!" 

I ran up to Phil's room since the older man wanted to be there as well. I also wanted Phil to be there because I wasn't fully sure what I was doing. I knocked twice before I was given the all-clear. Phil was stood in his room, having just showered and changed, "Have you checked on Tommy?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just went in to see him," I replied, "He's ready to go when we are." 

"Okay, well we should probably head out." 


We walked out to the car and this time Phil was driving. We got to the doctor's office in roughly 20 minutes. 

Thankfully, the doctor's were running a good schedule so they were able to take Tommy in early. Phil and I waited outside while Tommy went in to get checked over.

Tommy's P.O.V

I was lead into a small white room, at the back of the building and told to sit down on the bed. The doctor seemed nice enough. She asked me the basic questions, such as, 'What's your name?' and 'How old are you?'. Then we moved onto the other questions.

"So, what symptoms have you been experiencing?" 

"I've been having this...pain in my lower back and my side. I've been really tired; I can't eat, I have a high temperature. Also, I've been coughing up blood." 

"Alright, that seems quite serious. I'm going to arrange a blood sample for you, is there an adult here with you?" 


"Okay, I'm going to go and get them and get the supplies for the sampling." 

The doctor left and barely a minute later, Wilbur came in and sat beside me. "Phil's writing out some forms. How are you feeling about all of this?" He asked.

"I don't know. A little nervous. I hate doctors office's and I don't like needles so...not great." I replied.

Wilbur wrapped his arm around my shoulder pulling me against his side. "Phil and I will be here, okay?" 


The doctor returned, Phil not far behind. She wheeled in a small cart thing, which had a couple of different needles and coloured tubes. "Okay, Tommy, which hand do you write with?" She asked.

"My right hand," I replied. 

"Okay, I'm going to take blood from your left arm then. Can you roll up your sleeve for me?"

I did as she asked, rolling up the sleeve of my hoodie. She took an antiseptic wipe and cleaned off the area of my arm that the needle would need to go in. 

Once it was deemed sanitary, the doctor gave me a stress ball that I had to squeeze in my left hand. Wilbur took my right hand and I turned so I wasn't looking at the needle. 

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