As the Earth Burns to the Ground pt 2

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T/W Gore (This one is a little gross not too bad though), blood, alcohol, shooting, stabbing, suicide (not of a main character and not descriptive)

Tommy's P.O.V


All I could do was run. I knew my suitcase would way me down but the supplies could be useful so I lifted it off the floor, turning on my heel and sprinting. I heard a loud crash as a window on the other side of the building was shattered. I knew I wasn't the only person in the building, having seen other people getting off of the plane with me but they were nowhere to be seen. My first thought had been to wait out front for Dream and Sapnap to come and get me, but the parking lot was littered with the undead and my phone wasn't working so I couldn't be sure they were coming anyway. I decided that my best course of action would be to get to the roof. It wouldn't be long before zombies would spill into the building and I would be dead. The roof was my best chance of surviving.

Sapnap's P.O.V

Returning home without Tommy was the most disheartening thing for all of us. The apocalypse had just begun and we'd already lost our youngest, even though we didn't actually know if he was dead the airport made it seem very likely. Pulling into the driveway and getting out of the car, I made my way around, wrapping an arm around Dream's waist and pulling him towards the front door. I felt like I was going to throw up and from the way Dream was stumbling it was clear that he felt the same. Phil and Puffy were stood by the door waiting to let us in and it was awful watching as their faces fell at the lack of a third. I made my way into the living room where people were gathering things into piles and sorting through them, all stopping and turning to face when I walked in. "Any sign?" Wilbur asked hopefully.

I swallowed thickly, shaking my head, "I'm sorry. It was completely overrun, we're... we're in some deep shit. All we can do is hope he got out in time."

Wilbur stood quickly, voice raising, "Of course he got out! He's a smart kid, he made it I know he did."

Nikki was quick to grab his arm guiding him to sit back down, "He didn't mean anything by it Wil." She murmured

Will shook his head, flopping down on the sofa either way. I bit my lip, not hard enough to break the skin, just enough to stop the tears threatening to fall. God, I wanted Tommy, as did everyone else.

We had decided to set up fort upstairs, there was a large enough room for all of the mattresses to line the walls, a bathroom adjacent and we could probably make a makeshift kitchen with a gas stove and tinned foods. I was sent up to help with making the beds while Dream helped the second group with gathering all the food and drinks from the kitchen separating them into piles of what would last longest and what needed to be eaten first. I was helping to carry mattresses from each room into the room we would be using and once all of the mattresses, blankets and pillows had been moved, I started to get the rest of the furniture downstairs to create barricades. We found some wooden planks in the garage from a DIY project Dream and I meant to do for the past year and used them to board the windows and doors shut. Now there was no entry access on the first floor. It was a good idea but it meant for us to get out and back in, should we need to, we would have to climb down the plant terrace from the second floor and we would just have to hope that the zombies wouldn't be able to climb. A TV and a radio had been set up in the centre of the room so that we would be able to listen to broadcasts as they came through. 

Once, we had moved everything around and cleared the garage and kitchen of most dangerous objects -  like hammers and knives, even a chainsaw - although I wasn't sure it would last long - everyone gathered in the main room, sitting down on the mattress and talking quietly to each other, trying to distract ourselves from the obvious gap. There was a single empty bed, an obnoxiously red blanket thrown over it that Dream had bought as a joke. We were all just sitting, waiting for something to happen. Which didn't take long.

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