Let me out - Tommy

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T/W - Bullying - Violence - Claustrophobia.

Tommy's P.O.V

I was bullied at school. It was just something that happened. My brothers were busy with college so I didn't want to tell them, it's not like they could do much about it. Dad had work and it was more important than any of my problems. I wanted him to focus on Techno and Wilbur, not me. I was fine.

It was just another school day. Wednesday to be exact. The 12th of March. It was the last class and so far, nothing had happened. The day had been fine, to begin with. I hadn't had any run-ins with the school bullies and my lessons had been reasonably chill. 

The bell rang and everyone shoved their things into their bags and ran through the door, thankful that the school day was over. I put my stuff away a little slower, not wanting to be trampled in the doorway if I rushed to leave with everyone else. I didn't exactly have much muscle and I was easily pushed around. I had to stay behind after school in a detention session that I didn't deserve. I made my way to the designated classroom and sank into one of the chairs just waiting for it to be over. The teacher checked that we were all there before starting the timer and turning back to her laptop. 

5 minutes were left and I felt something hit me in the back of the head. A crumpled piece of paper was on the floor beside me. I picked it up, reading the messy writing on it.

Got you alone

No one is gonna help you now.

- H and J

I knew who had signed it. Harry and Jason. The two main bullies at my school. I crumpled the paper up again, putting it back into my pocket. 

Beep-Beep  Beep-Beep

The alarm on the desk started to beep as the time was up. "Alright, everyone can go home now." The teacher said, stopping the incessant noise. I stood up, grabbed my bag and ran out the door. If I left quickly, then they couldn't do anything. I could maybe outrun them or find somewhere to hide. However, I couldn't be that lucky. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and I was pushed up against the lockers in the hallway. "Think you can get away that quickly?" Harry sneered, landing a punch on my ribs. 

"You are done for." 

A rally of kicks, punches and pain came my way as they beat me till I was bruised and bloody. I was dragged down the corridor and pressed up against a locker that I realised as my own. "What's the code, bitch?" Harry asked. Slamming the side of my head against the cold metal.

"1-9-0-6." It was the day and month I got adopted. The 19th of June.

Harry pulled open the locker and Jason pushed me into it. I stuck one for out the locker in an attempt to keep it open but Harry repeatedly slammed the door on until I was in agony and had to move it. The door was shut and I heard the lock click. Jason and Harry laughed, "Have a good night Tom, we'll see you tomorrow." I began to bang on the door, slamming my fist against it until my hand was turning blue. 

"Let me out! Please, please I c-can't be in here...p-please..." 

The lockers were tiny, I was sitting, with my knees to my chest, pressing my hands against the walls of it. It felt like it was getting smaller. Every passing second, the space was closing up and it was going to crush me. I was going to die here. No one would ever know. The janitor wasn't allowed to go through people's lockers (obviously) but he didn't do his rounds until later and I surely would have been crushed by then. 

It took me an embarrassingly long time to remember that I still had my phone in my back pocket. With shaking hands I was able to pull it out, wincing at the bright screen. My fingers automatically scrolled to Wilbur's contact, pressing ring.

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