Ziplining Accidents and Zero Communication - Bench Trio

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T/W Injury Description and illness

Tommy's P.O.V

Today was the day that we were filming the vlog 'Surviving The Craziest Obstacle Course In England' and I was terrified, not only did I have a terrible balance but I was afraid of heights so that was a terrible mix.

The car journey over was a nightmare, I was anxious and couldn't stop moving. Ranboo was driving and Tubbo was sitting in the passenger seat meaning I could fidget without them noticing. Wilbur had bought me a couple of fidget toys when he found out how useful they were for me and I constantly had one on me at all times. I sat in the back of the car fiddling aggressively with the cogwheels on my fidget cube, hoping to find some sort of comfort in it.

We arrived at the place far too quickly for my liking. The instructors were quick to teach us how to clip the hooks onto the lines and how to put our harness on correctly before letting us have free roam. They were obviously on standby in case anything went wrong but they weren't going to be accompanying us on the course or anything. Tubbo went first, clipping in and making his way up the wooden structure, I was second feeling reasonably okay as I followed and Ranboo was third, walking closely behind me.

Each activity seemed to get be harder than the last. From ropes to zip lines, I was scared. I tried to pretend it was just an act for the vlog but I knew Ranboo could see through it. It was obvious in the way he hovered over me when he could and kept asking whether or not I was okay. Each time I would respond with "Yep, I'm fine," or "Just a bit high, big man." I don't even remember why I was trying to hide it, I guess I was worried that they might think less of me or treat me like a child. I was perfectly capable of doing an obstacle course without getting scared. Ranboo was so calm throughout the recording, Tubbo was planning to murder us and I was just scared.

Multiple times I had to pause before doing something, for instance, Ranboo threatened to push me off of the platform, putting his hand on my back ready to do it when I switched off the camera and turned to him, "I, uh, just give me a second." I said.

"Okay man, take your time."

I briefly thanked him before switching the camera on and swinging to the big net.

After roughly half an hour, we reached the final obstacle.

A massive zip line.

That seemed pretty fun. Daunting, yes, but still fun. Tubbo went first (staying in our order) and Ranboo and I watched as he zoomed down the line landing on his back in the dirt. Next was me, I clipped in, saluted Ranboo and the camera then jumped off of the platform. Adrenaline filled my veins as I shot down the zipline, not kicking my legs as Tubbo did. However, everything changed when I hit the ground. I tried to land on my feet so I wouldn't get wood chips all over me but that wasn't gonna work, I fell over almost instantly and slid on my back up the slope - my momentum still carrying the wire further. The problem, though, was that I was only wearing a thin T-shirt and as I slid along the wood, the back of the shirt rode up. Pieces of wood, rocks and something which felt like glass tore up the skin on my back. I winced, gritting my teeth as I came to a stop, getting to my feet and unclipping the caribina. Tubbo was laughing, "That was a really rough landing," He said after a moment, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just scratched my back up or something. I'll be fine." I laughed too.

We both watched as Ranboo came down the line shouting something that we couldn't hear. He was a bit more graceful than us though, landing, rolling twice and then managing to land on one knee. We took off the harnesses walking back over to the fence where I grabbed my hoodie, quickly pulling it on.

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