Pay for a home - Tommy

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T/W Physical abuse/ Domestic violence, Slight gore (Minor description of a wound)

Tommy's P.O.V

Ever since my death on the Dream SMP, my views had dropped. A Lot. I mean, there wasn't much for me to do. There was no real lore and everyone else was growing into their main characters arcs. It didn't really bother me. I didn't mind having lower viewers. Instead, I encouraged them to go and watch the other's streams and give them the attention that they deserved. However, because I wasn't streaming as much and I wasn't getting as many viewers and interests, I wasn't gaining much money. I want to make it very clear that I don't just stream for the money, but I had to pay bills and rent somehow. If I didn't pay my parents bills and pay for my 'rent' then I would get kicked out and there was no way that I could survive on the streets with the little money that I readily had. Any money that I got from streaming either went to bills, rent or paying for my parents holidays and trips. I still didn't care. Streaming was fun to me. I was having fun and I was keeping a roof over my head. Sure there was very little food, sure, I got injured a lot, especially when my parents got drunk but I was fine. Completely fine.

Soon though, I realised just how bad the situation could be. I had only earned half of my normal income and that was barely enough to pay for the things that I needed. This meant that I had no money for food and wasn't going to be eating for the rest of the week. My parents were furious when I told them I had no more money to fund their 'holidays'. It was one of the worst beatings I had gotten that year and I knew that if I didn't do something, and soon, then it was only going to get worse.

The next evening, I had woken up in a cold sweat. I felt like I was on fire but I was shivering like crazy. Definitely had a fever then. That really wasn't good. I made my way to the bathroom once I was sure that I was home alone and I began to check over my injuries from last nights confrontation.

Most of them were fine but there was one, that stretched from the bottom of my ribs, across my stomach and to my other side, that had become red and inflamed overnight. The wound itself felt hot like I had been burnt or something. I knew that that was bad and I had to do something but there wasn't much that I could do. I tried to clean the wound as well as I could, with the supplies that I had, but it hurt like mad and I wasn't sure that I was doing it properly. Still, I pulled on a clean hoodie and some comfy trousers, going back into my room and sitting in my gaming chair. I had to stream if I wanted to sleep indoors so I gave my parents some warning and loaded up my streaming set-up. It was going to be an origin SMP stream, where I was going to build and talk to people. Wilbur and Jack joined me.

Wilbur's P.O.V

As soon as I joined the VC and heard Tommy's voice, I knew something was wrong. Although most people wouldn't be able to tell, I knew Tommy, and just from the slight change in his tone I could tell that something had happened. Jack left the call halfway through but not before he could send me a message telling me to look after Tommy.

As the stream went on I noticed how his breathing would hitch every now and then as though he was in pain and he was a lot quieter than normal.

The minute that Tommy ended stream, I began to ask questions.

"Tommy, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He replied.

"No, Toms, please be honest with me. I can tell there's something wrong."

"Seriously I'm fine, I'm just really tired."

"Okay, just...I just need you to know that if you need anything or even if you just wanna talk, I'm here. I'd never judge you, for anything. You're my little brother and I care about you."

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