New AU idea

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George Notfound (Mr Notfound)

George is one of the two teachers in Esempee Primary School, working with year 2's. (1st grade). He's 24 and has good patience. He's colourblind and has absence seizures.

Dream WasTaken (Mr Wastaken)

Dream is the second teacher in Esempee Primary School, working with year 2's. (1st grade). He's 26 and is really good with kids. He has ADHD.

Wilbur Soot (Mr Soot)

Wilbur is one of the teaching assistants in Esempee Primary School, working with year 2's. (1st grade). He is 22. Wilbur is definitely a favourite among the students as he's really easy to talk to. Wilbur has mild anxiety and aphantasia.

Techno Blade (Mr Blade)

Techno is the second teaching assistant in Esempee Primary School, working with year 2's. (1st graders). He is 23. Techno is a lot more practical and good at spotting when a child is uncomfortable and knows how to help. He's autistic with lower support needs.

Philza Minecraft (Principal Minecraft)

Phil is the principal/headteacher at Esempee Primary School. He is 36. Phil is the coolest Principal out there. He's kind to all the students and really understanding. He's also really funny.

Cara Puffy (Nurse Puffy)

Puffy is the nurse at Esempee Primary School. She is 28. She's kind and all the kids love her.

Other Staff members include Eret (They are just known to the kids as Eret as she goes by all pronouns and doesn't care much for formalities), Jack Manifold (Mr Manifold) and Badboy Halo (Mr Halo).


Tommy Innit. Tommy is in year 2 (1st grade). He has ADHD, ASD (Autism spectrum disorder), anxiety and Tourettes.

Tubbo Smith. Tubbo is in year 2 (1st grade). He has dyslexia and involuntary regression that causes him to have the mind of someone 1-2 years younger.

Ranboo. Ranboo is in year 2 (1st grade). He has DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder).

Niki Nihachu. Niki is in year 2 (1st grade). She suffers from depressive episodes.

Karl Jacobs. Karl is in year 2 (1st grade). He suffers from severe anxiety and a tic disorder.

Alex Quackity. Quackity is in year 2 (1st grade). He has ADHD.

Sapnap. Sapnap is in year 2 (1st grade). He has pyromania.

Fundy. Fundy is in year 2 (1st grade). He is selectively mute.

This is all you need to know about the people. Esempee Primary school is a special education skill for those with neurodiversity and/or learning difficulties. The school is quite small. All of the kids mentioned are in year 2 (1st grade) and they are roughly 6-7 years old. 

Also, SBI is canon. 

This is just an AU which I kind of wanted to do but didn't know if any of you would be interested?

Let me know if you have any ideas for it, I am working on a first chapter already though!

Love you guys.

- Ace O :))

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