Broken promises - DreamNotFound

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Before we start, this chapter is a complete mess.

T/W Violence, Alcohol, Attempted Sexual assault (Non-descriptive!) head injuries, panic attacks. As I said. It's a mess.

George's P.O.V

It had taken Dream ages to convince me to go to the college party that Sapnap was throwing. Almost an entire month of him begging me to go with him so that he wouldn't be bored and I would leave our dorm room for once, for something that wasn't classes. I absolutely hated parties but - if I'm honest - I just couldn't say no to Dream. I may have had a slight crush on him...just a small one.

I had finished all of my college work for the day and now I had to get ready for the party. I threw on a pair of jeans and an oversized hoodie before making my way out of the dorm and down to the parking lot where I knew Dream was waiting. I slid into the passenger seat of his car, looking across to where he was sat - behind the wheel - just scrolling through his phone while he waited. "You ready to go?" He asked, looking up. I gave him a nod, playing with my hands to calm my nerves.

It was 10 minutes into the half-hour drive that Dream reached over and squeezed my hand. "I know you're nervous about the party." He said.

"I'm not," I murmured, looking away to hide the redness that was creeping over my cheeks.

"George, I've known you for ages, I know that you're getting anxious and that's fine. You know what, how 'bout I make you a promise?" 

"What is it?" 

"I promise that I won't leave you tonight. If at any point we get split up then I will look for you and if you feel uncomfortable or you just want to go home, then we will go. I'm really proud of you for coming."

My face had only heated up more from the compliment, "Okay, I...I guess that's okay."

"And anyway, Sapnap said that he was gonna set up a room that only our main friendship group could go in. He was worried that Karl or you would get overwhelmed so he wanted to have a more open, safe space for you guys."

"Oh, uh. I didn't expect that."

"Yeah, and the food and drinks are gonna be labelled so you can tell the difference between what's alcohol, what's got 'happy powder' in and the sober stuff."

"No more dumb colour coding?" 

"Nope, he learnt from his mistakes."

I laughed softly. "Thanks, I feel a bit more ready I guess."

"Good! Glad to hear it." 

20 minutes later, we pulled in at Sapnap's 'house'. He was sharing it with 4 other people but they were all neutrals to us so we didn't really mind. We could hear the music from the driveway. We walked up to the door, going inside and instantly all my fears came flooding back. There were so many people. I didn't exactly do well with crowds...or most people in general. Dream, sensing my discomfort, grabbed my hand and began to lead me as we weaved our way through the crowds, towards the spare room. Dream pushed open the door and we saw, Karl, Quackity, Sapnap, Eret, Bad, Skeppy and Nikki. Sapnap got up to greet us, giving us both a hug before going back out to get some drinks.

We were all playing a card game when he returned, setting down a tray of red solo cups. We all took one, a couple of the cups had alcohol written on them in black sharpie so I just avoided those. As did Dream. A few games in, Dream decided to head to the bathroom, letting me know where he was going and that he'd only be gone for a minute.

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