It's so cold - SBI

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Prompt - Tommy gets hypothermia.

Tommy's P.O.V

Where was Techno? I had been sat, waiting for Techno to arrive for almost an hour. It was snowing and I had spent the night with Sapnap and Karl because Karl didn't want me to walk home in the cold, we had also just moved house so I wasn't even sure of the way. Techno had agreed to come and get me at 11am, it was now 12 pm and I was struggling to contain the tears that welled in my eyes. I didn't think this day would come for a while yet but I guess I deserved it. The day that everyone would just forget about me, stop caring, realise that I was just an annoying kid with way too many issues. My hands were shaking and I didn't want to bother Karl and Sapnap anymore. "Hey uh, I'm gonna go," I said turning to Sapnap.

"Oh is Techno here?" 


"Haha, did he forget? It was only a matter of time." 

"Yeah, I know, and I'm leaving so you don't have to deal with me anymore." 

"Finally." Sapnap said.

I should have realised he was joking but in that moment in time my head was telling me the opposite. He means it. He means all of it. No one loves you. There gonna send you back into the system. Phil never wanted to adopt you. You're not wanted. I felt my breathing speed up, the tears glazing over my eyes as I grabbed my jacket and unlocked the door. I briefly remembered Sapnap shouting, "Wait! Tommy you can't -- come back, you'll freeze." 

I responded curtly, "Maybe it'll be better that way." The door shut behind me. 

I sprinted for the first 10 minutes, slipping across the pavement, not caring if I slipped into the road. I found myself in a forest, when did I get here? I must've dissociated. I'd been having absence seizures and dissociation episodes for a while now, only Phil knew about them. Where even was I? I didn't recognise anything and I couldn't even remember where I had come from so there was no point in trying to retrace my steps. The snow was pelting down even harder now filling in any footprints that I may have left. The sky was  growing dark with thick black snow clouds and I couldn't feel my fingers, toes or face. The rest of my body felt weak and tingly. I was cold and wet and it probably should have concerned me when I stopped shivering. I was just so cold. And so tired. My vision began to blur and everything was moving around me. All of a sudden I was on the ground. How did I get on the floor? Everything began to fade until all went dark.

Phil's P.O.V

I was sitting in my seat at the office when my phone began to ring on the desk. I quickly answered it seeing the name Techno, pop up on the screen. "Dad?" Techno's voice was rough and I could hear the fear in the single word.

"What's happened?" I asked.

"I...I was late picking up Tommy. I forgot and lost track of time. When I got to Sapnap and Karl's house, Sapnap told me that Tommy wasn't there. Apparently Sapnap said something that he didn't mean and Tommy went to leave. Sapnap told him that he would freeze if he left and..." Techno hesitated, the fear now heavy in his voice. "Tommy said it would be better that way." 

My heart dropped. My son thought he was better off dead. I could hear Karl in the back ground crying but trying to comfort Techno and Sapnap. "Do you know where he is?" I asked, hearing my voice tremble and realising how close to tears I was. 

"No, I called Wilbur and he said Tommy isn't home. Apparently he left 15 minutes ago, Wilbur's gone out to check near the house and Karl, Sapnap and I are gonna drive around up here, see if we can find him." 

"Okay, I'm leaving work now. I'm gonna drive around too." 

I was so worried. I knew that Tommy had been going through a lot recently, his mental health not doing it's best. Now he was missing and I just wanted to find him. I grabbed my bag and left, jumping into my car. 

I have to find him.

Wilbur's P.O.V

My little brother was somewhere out here in the snow. A blizzard was beginning and I knew that if we didn't find him soon then he would... no I couldn't think like that. We would find him.

I started at the park and began to walk around. I kept glancing into the forest, something...a gut feeling was telling me to go in. So I did. I pulled my feet through the thick snow trudging my forwards. 

Just as I was about to give up and head back, I noticed something. A streak of blue. It looked like...Tommy's jacket. Shit. I ran over, collapsing to my knees and scraping away the snow before pulling my baby brother into my lap by his underarms. His skin was a milky white, almost blue in some places, his breathing was quick and shallow. 

Just barely holding on.

Quickly, I pulled out my phone and called Dad.

"Wilbur! Have you found him?" 

"I-I found him. I'm bringing him back to the house, please hurry Dad, I don't know what to do."

"I'm on my way home, just stay calm." 

I lifted Tommy into my arms and carried him bridal style out. "Tommy. Tommy please wake up." I said, almost sobbing at that point. I just wanted my baby brother to be okay.

"W-W-Wilby." Tommy whimpered, I looked down. brown eyes meeting watery blue.

"Oh god, Tommy! I'm here, I'm right here okay, I need you to stay awake for me!" 

"I-It's c-cold." 

"I know honey, I know. It's gonna be okay though. Just stay with me." I hugged him closer knowing that the body heat would help, even just a little. I began to sprint down the pavement, slipping here and there but making sure I wouldn't actually fall. Soon I reached the house, shouldering the unlocked door open and rushing in. Phil was already home, standing in the living room with some some things laid out. "Lay him on the sofa!" Phil said, "Quickly." I put Tommy down and began to help Phil take off Tommy's wet clothing. Then we wrapped him in a couple blankets making sure his head was covered. "I-It's too c-cold W-Wilby...I'm t-tired." 

"Shh, I know honey but you have to stay awake for a bit longer." 

Techno had gotten home before me and after phoning for an ambulance, he brought in a mug of hot chocolate for the youngest. I sat Tommy against me, brushing my fingers through his hair and Phil held the cup with Tommy since Tommy's hands were too shaky and he was far too weak in that moment to hold even a mug of hot chocolate. 

By the time we heard the sirens, Tommy had drank almost half of the drink. His head was against my shoulder and I gently rubbed his back. The paramedics came inside and took Tommy away, Phil going in the ambulance with him. Techno and I followed in my car.

We had to wait in the waiting room for almost 3 hours before a doctor came out saying, "Anyone here for Thomas Watson?" We stood up and walked over.

"Okay, you're son did indeed have hypothermia. As a result of this, Thomas' heart is being monitored, he's been given oxygen and we're administering warm fluids into his vein to help his body temperature to regulate. He's going to be perfectly fine. No need to worry. You can see him now," 

I'm sorry! I'll do a part 2, I just really wanted to get something out tonight!!!


1325 words

love you guys

- Ace O

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