Ya like Jazzzzz? - DreamNotFound

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George's P.O.V

I was a dancer. I liked to dance. Ever since I was little I had loved watching all the pretty people on the TV spinning and leaping across the stage. By the time I was 6 I had made up my mind that I wanted to dance. My mum would take me to dance lessons every Tuesday and Friday after school and I would sometimes sneak out to the dance studio just to practise my own choreography. The thing was, my dad didn't like it so much. He didn't like the thought of his gay little son dancing. He wanted me to get into engineering like him, but I just didn't like that. So I ignored him.

When I reached 13, I was dancing in professional shows and I had hours at the studio that were reserved for just me. No classes. Just me, able to dance in my own world. 

Now I was 19. I had a career as a 'social media influencer.' So, I was a youtuber. I had met a boy named Clay, or rather Dream, falling head over heels for him the very first time that we spoke. I became best friends with him and a boy named Nick (or Sapnap). We played Minecraft together every day and filmed together all the time. When we weren't playing Minecraft we were on call laughing and having fun. They lived in america while I lived in Britain so it did sometimes get difficult knowing that I couldn't meet them face to face without having to go on a long plane journey. I hadn't told either of them about my dancing as no matter how much I loved it, I did get a little embarrassed when it came to talking about it. However, after a little incident, I couldn't stop myself from telling one of our other friends. Daryll/BadBoyHalo. 


"Hey George?" Bad said slowly.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Are you okay? You keep wincing and you look like your in pain."

"I'm fine Daryll don't worry a-"

"Don't lie to me George. Please. I just want to make sure you're alright."

"It's fine, I slipped and hurt my side that's all." 

I mean it wasn't a lie.

"Show me." 

"What do you mean?" 

"George show me your side." 

"Okay fine." I raised my hands in defeat before standing up and pulling up the left side of my         t-shirt revealing one heck of a bruise across my ribs.

"Oh my-! George, how on earth did you do that?!" 

I sighed as I sat down, I really didn't want to lie to my friend.

"Okay, I'll tell you but you have to promise that you won't tell anybody!" He nodded eager to know, "Okay well. Uh, I'm sort of a dancer. I've been dancing since I was six and I was trying a really difficult move in the studio yesterday and I fell. It's probably the worst one in a while hurts to move and breath I guess."

"Woah! You dance?!! That's really cool George!" Daryll said, I could feel my face heating up. "Did you try icing your side?" I nodded. "Yeah, I'll probably ice it again in a minute."

"Okay, as long as your alright!" 

Time skip 2 months.

The injury in my side had been bothering me for a while. Every time I danced, it would hurt. From a little to a lot it ranged from how intense the choreography was. I tried to ignore but it kept getting worse. Each time the bruise would fade it would have appeared again within two days . 

I was going to visit Dream, Sapnap, Bad and Skeppy. Dream had surprised me by buying me a plane ticket to go to his. Sapnap, Bad and Skeppy were all driving down. I was so excited. I was finally getting to see my boyfriend, yes you heard that right. Dream and I were dating. We finally confessed our love for each other in a tearful conversation at 2 am. I packed my bags and left for the airport.

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