We're one and the same - Tommy & Ranboo

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T/W Physical abuse, Neglect, Tourettes, Blood and Injury

Tommy's P.O.V

It had always been this way. Ever since I was very young my parents had been awful at their one job. Taking care of me. Instead of smiles and soft touches, it was hits and kicks, covering bruises and learning how to lie at a very, very young age because I was scared as to what would happen if I didn't. I knew what abuse was and I knew that I was being abused but there was nothing that I could really do. I couldn't call for help as I had no safe place to go and my parents had made me fear the idea of being placed into the system. I had once threatened to call somebody when they had hurt me worse than normal, and my parents had laughed in my face told me to do it and be placed somewhere much worse than this. They convinced me that their treatment was nothing, that I deserved it and if I told anyone it would be so much worse for me. I believed them. I mean, it was possible and I was terrified of my parents so I gave into their word and allowed myself to be manipulated into staying.

When I was 14, I was allowed a computer, it had once been my dads but he had gotten a new one and didn't want the old one so I took it. A kid at my school had introduced me to twitch and Minecraft and I had fallen in love. The only way I could convince my parents into buying me Minecraft and letting me start a twitch account was by telling them that I could make them money. The greedy bastards agreed within seconds.

At the age of 10, I had started to make these weird movements and sounds without meaning to. It was things like jerking my neck back so forcefully that I would fall backwards, making obscene gestures and whistling or clicking my tongue. My parents often got pissed when it happened in front of them yelling and swearing at me, calling me things that I would never repeat to anyone. A month or so after it started, my teachers began to pick up on it and brought me into a meeting where I was forced to talk about it even though I didn't know what was going on anyway. They forced my parents to set up a doctor's appointment for me as I was too young to do it myself and by the time I was 11, I had been diagnosed with Tourettes.

Ranboo's P.O.V

It had always been this way. My parents just weren't around. I wasn't stupid, I knew what neglect was and I knew that I was being neglected but it wasn't that bad, right? It could have been much worse and I should just be grateful that they were even around in the first place. It was fine.

I started streaming when I was 16, becoming pretty famous at 17. It was a quick and sudden change but it was nice. I made friends with so many people and for once, I wasn't alone. I had always been nervous when it came to making friends with people, unsure as to whether they would stay or leave me at the first chance they got but these people were so kind. I needed constant reassurance which they were happy to give and they were so inclusive. Originally, because I hadn't known them for so long, I thought that they wouldn't have me around much. Only occasionally for the content but I soon found out that that wasn't how it worked.

Tommy was one of the first people that I met online and I wasn't sure if anyone else noticed it but there was always something off. No one seemed to mention anything if they did realise what was going on but I wasn't sure if they all knew something, but as I was new I hadn't been told. I had done an extensive amount of research on abuse when I first realised what my parents were doing wasn't normal, wanting to understand more about neglect and the extent of it. I had read a lot into the signs of other types of abuse and the red flags were all there in Tommy. He was constantly bruised, which he blamed on frequent tic attacks, but surely they shouldn't be happening that often right? Was that healthy? He seemed scared by the slightest bit of shouting, or threats and violence was a no go. At first, the bit was that he hated me because I was stealing his best friend and I was all for the joke, I honestly didn't mind, but after every interaction or stream he would send me a message saying that he was really sorry and he didn't mean to upset me if he did. I thought it was sweet until the self-depreciation became a reoccurring thing. Instead of just a short check in, making sure that I was okay after the bits, it quickly turned into him apologising and telling me that he knew he was annoying and hard-work to deal with, which I immediately told him that he wasn't. I just began to worry, I mean, where was he getting that from? Yes the internet was an absolutely horrible place but Phil and Technoblade were constantly moderating his chat, Wilbur had practically banned him from Twitter, so either he was having these thoughts by himself or someone was telling him those things and neither were good or okay. Originally, I had thought about telling someone, or asking if he was the same with everyone else but eventually decided that it wasn't my business and I didn't want to make him upset or anything. I just decided to keep a close eye on Tommy and watch out for anything else.

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