Send me to purgatory, the bakery - Tommy

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Some SBI fluff

Tommy's P.O.V

Being a streamer, people assumed that they knew everything about you. They thought that you were an open book and were willing to just tell them every aspect of your life and that may be true for some people. For me, it was quite the opposite. I would tell them small things about, experiences or hobbies - like playing the piano - but I wasn't a big fan of telling them about the deeper things in life. The more meaningful things, I guess. To other people, I felt like it would be brushed over like it was nothing, just another hobby but to me, it meant so much more. Everyone knew I was a musician but no one knew that I was a baker - not even my closest friends. I had been working in the local bakery for almost 2 years and no one had a clue, asides from the people I worked with, our regular customers and my parents. It just wasn't something I shared. Ever since I was a very small child, I loved baking with my grandmother or one of my aunts when I saw them. We struggled for money when I was younger so my mum worked 24/7. I rarely ever saw her, it was mostly the same for my dad but he was there on special events like birthdays or school plays. I spent most of the time with relatives until I was at a reasonable age for my parents to leave me home alone. They chose 8 to be that age. My grandmother would buy me baking supplies and I would bake while my parents were at work so I had something nice for them when they came back. A little 'I love you' I guess since that wasn't said much within our household. By the time I was 10, I was making some really difficult cakes and decorating them in an almost professional way. I remembered my mother coming home one evening after she was let off her first workplace early and seeing one of my cakes on the dining table. She was so surprised but showered me in compliments when the shock wore off. I guess she had never been home to see anything I'd made before.

When I was 11, I started making cakes and selling them within the neighbourhood. Taking orders for people's birthdays or other special occasions and making money which I intended to give to my parents.

When they found out what I was doing they refused the money, telling me to keep it and spend it on something that I wanted. I continued my small business for a year and a half, saving up to buy a reasonably cheap computer set up so I could start a new hobby. Streaming. Just because I had started a new hobby didn't mean I wanted to stop the old one, I still baked during the day, after school, making cookies, cakes and now various pastries, and then streamed in the evenings. It was what made me happy.

When I saw 14, I got a job working in a bakery, it was only hours after school and weekends as I was obviously too young to be doing full-time and there were a bunch of laws on how many hours I could work and under what circumstances. I was making an income of £8 an hour, money from the bakery going to my bank account while money from streaming went to my parents and helping them with the expenses of the house and travel. 

At 15 I had been invited onto a huge Minecraft server with a bunch of other famous streamers, I hit it off with some of them and soon found myself making videos on the regular, not because it was necessary but because I enjoyed it. I was happy, genuinely happy. They were nice to me and it was good to have company for once. 

At 16, I was meeting up with them almost once every week. I was always the one that was suggesting the times and places as I didn't want it to overlap with my working hours. I kept my work a secret from my friends - not because it was embarrassing or because I was scared of their reactions - just because it wasn't really something that came up in conversation. I had mentioned to them before that I tended to stress bake as we were talking about what we did when we got stressed. I baked, Techno read, Wilbur wrote music and Phil watched a comfort film or had a conversation with his wife. That was as much as I ever told them. Wilbur never forgot though, constantly teasing me and getting on my nerves about it.

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