Halloween Horror - Tommy

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Tommy's P.O.V

It was the day of the big Halloween stream. I had been looking forward to it all week, excited to meet Bill and Aimee in real. Freddie and I both went up together, Freddie's dad driving us up. We were staying there for two nights, planning to actually do the stream on the second day as it was just more convenient that way. Freddie and I arrived before Bill but Aimee was there, moving to greet us the second we walked in. We set up a 4 player Mario party game, I was the one who decided not to play, preferring to curl up against the arm of the sofa and watch instead. 

Bill arrived like 5 minutes after, also opting to sit out and watch the others compete. We spent the day planning out what we wanted to do the next day for the stream and kind of getting to know each other better. 

Before I knew it we were blowing up air mattresses to put in the living room so that we could sleep. Bill, Freddie and I took the living room while Tubbo and Ranboo went to their respective rooms and Aimee took the spare room. Freddie, Bill and I didn't fall asleep until almost 5 am as we couldn't stop laughing. 

The next morning it was all hands on deck to get everything set up for streaming as all of us had managed to wake up late. Even though Freddie, Bill and I were really tired, after having roughly 2 hours of sleep and barely any sleep the night before that we were all relying on each other to get everything ready. We got all the cameras set up in there many different locations and made sure the mics were functioning properly before Tubbo started the stream. We had multiple different events planned throughout the day so we let the first segment just be us, sitting down at the table and talking. Kind of like a podcast if you will.

Ending 1: Drowning

Tubbo was the one to come up with the idea of apple bobbing, making Aimee and me set it up. We grabbed a clear plastic tub and filled it with water, dropping some apples into it. The little apple bobbing station was set up outside so we wouldn't make a mess of the house. I guess it maybe was a little unsanitary and thought of it made my skin crawl a little, but on the subject of covid, all of us had taken a PCR test and our results were negative. We wouldn't have met up if the results were otherwise. The 6 of us gathered outside on the patio, taking in turns to step forward and kneel in front of the box, dunking our heads under and trying to grab an apple. Aimee went first per request, dunking her head under and blindly grabbing for an apple, failing to get one and coming up with her hair plastered to her face and shoulders. Next was Bill whose glasses fell off instantly and he came up complaining how they had poked him in the eye and it ruined his chances. We just laughed as Tubbo stepped forward to take his place. As he put his head under the water, Ranboo and I stepped forward, mockingly putting our hands above his head as if we were going to push it under. We didn't though. It was just a joke.

When he brought his head back up he read the chat that told him I was going to drown as if it wasn't a joke and as if Ranboo hadn't done it too. "You know what? Tommy's next. Go on!" He said, a mischievous glint in his eye. I feigned confidence (as always) stepping closer to the tub and kneeling down, wincing as my knees scraped on the concrete. Placing my hands on either side of the tub, I leaned down, hovering my face over the water. Suddenly, I felt a hand on the back of my head, pushing me under before I had the chance to breathe in. The last of the air was pushed out of my lungs from the sudden jolt and I couldn't get any back as water filled my nose and I shut my eyes as tight as I could. Panic flooded over me, buzzing through my veins and bringing me to the realisation of how bad the situation was. I had no air and was being held underwater. I had always been shit at holding my breath and this time was no different. 10 seconds went by and I was slowly losing myself, unable to tell where I was or how I was feeling, and I reached up, grabbing the person's arm and trying to pry it off of my head but my movements were clumsy and uncoordinated. I could vaguely hear everyone chanting something but it was too muffled for me to make out the words.

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