When there's something strange - Bench Trio

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T/W Talks of murder/serial killers, Injury, Ghosts/vaguely spooky themes.

Tommy's P.O.V

A lot had changed since our first hunt. The most noticeable change was probably the change in our equipment. We started off with a single EMF detector and Spirit box but now we had a plethora of items to chose from. What we needed really depended on the hunt we would be going into. The second most noticeable thing was how much we had matured. When we got into the ghost hunting business, I had been 14 and Tubbo and Ranboo were 15. All three of us were scared of every little noise or light even getting scared of each other every now and then. We were scared to move, scared to breathe in case the noise attracted anything. Now we would yell to each other from different floors of the house and we never shied away from any sign of the ghost.

It was exactly our 13th hunt (I know, unlucky for some, how ironic) when things went... Very wrong.


We were given the bare minimum information. All we knew was that the ghost's name was Charles White and it preferred it when people were alone. The three of us hated to split up back then as it meant we were a lot more vulnerable to attacks. There was a common misconception when it came to ghosts which was that they couldn't hurt you. They were ghosts so surely they shouldn't be able to do anything right? Wrong. Very wrong. Any ghost could throw things at you, knives, glass, various other weapons but poltergeists were the worst when it came to that. They had a lot more physical energy meaning they loved to throw things at you and make their presence known. Asides from the throwing things, most other ghosts were harmless, unless they gave your a heart attack or drained your sanity and caused hallucinations. Demons were an entirely different idea. Those things could hurt you. Bad. It was first discovered in Korea by a scientist named Cha Baek-Hyeon who called it 'Sideulge Haneun Hyogwa' or in English 'The Withering Effect'. The whole concept was, if you came into contact with a demon, anywhere, the skin would start to blacken in that area and then spread rapidly through the veins, slowing the heart until it stopped. Yeah. It wasn't very pleasant. And the worst part was, it could happen anywhere. In most places, people had bought iron ornaments and hung them around their homes as it tended to keep them away or at least weaken them to the point they were unable to cause The Withering Effect but out on the streets, in shops or halls, it was a free for all. If you went outside after dark, it was a death wish. In most cases, you had to provoke a ghost before it got angry and sometimes there were nicer demons that gave you a moment to talk before they killed you but there was always the chance that things would be different. You could never be too careful. The Withering Effect could be cured but it had to be by an injection in the thigh with a very precise amount of anti-infection. That was why it wasn't something just anyone could buy. If you fucked up the dishes or would only kill you faster. Another thing about Demons was the fact that they were so much stronger than most other types of ghosts. Using this strength they were able to make more noise, mimic sounds from the past and get under your skin. Demons couldn't possess you unlike the entertainment media claimed but they were good at traumatising the fuck out of you.

Ghost hunters were only a thing in the late 60s so people were very grateful for us. Another thing to explain is 'The Sight'. When you reach 40, you lose 'The Sight', which is the ability to see or interact with ghosts. That's why most ghost hunters were teenagers, as it was most powerful then. Everyone had a different aspect of sight. Some people could see better, some people could hear things better, some people could talk to ghosts and some people could get flashbacks into the past by touching specific items. I was unlucky enough to be able to do all four. Ranboo had the gift of vision and Tubbo had the gift of hearing. You may think that being able to do all four would be a blessing but you are sorely mistaken. It's a hindrance at best. Imagine waking up, pouring out a bowl of cereal and grabbing a spoon to start eating but the second you grab the spoon, you get brought back in time just to see someone getting their eye gouged out with that exact soon. Like what the fuck. That kind of shit really puts you off your breakfast. The amount of things we had to throw away, just because of the dark history is incredible. Another thing was that my 'gifts' were extremely sensitive. Most people would just have slightly enhanced sense whereas mine - god - they were fucking annoyingly heightened.

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