No one likes you pt 3 - SBI

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Phil's P.O.V

Tommy's parents got the surprise of their life when they saw two police cars in their driveway. They pulled in to see me, carrying Tommy to my car, Wilbur carrying his suitcase and Techno talking to a police officer. When Tommy saw his parents, he pressed his body closer to mine clutching his fist around my shirt. I felt him tense up and instinctively I held him closer, wanting to protect him from everything. "What the fuck is going on here?!!" His dad yelled, walking straight towards us. Techno stepped straight in front of us crosses his arms. "Back off!" He said warningly. 

"I don't have to do anything that you say!" He yelled, "Give me my son and fuck off!" 

"No." Techno said.

"Excuse me?!!" 

"I'm pretty sure you heard me." 

The policemen were quick to restrain both of Tommy's parents. Tommy's dad continued to yell, now aiming his words at the petrified boy in my arms.

"You're a faggot. You're a filthy fucking dickhead. I'm glad you'll be gone, I wish you would die, you should've killed yourself ages ago!" Techno had had enough and so had the policeman. The men holding him, pushed him roughly to the pavement. 

"Listen here," Techno hissed, "Tommy is too good for you. He is the best kid I have ever known and we all love him. You are not fit to have children let alone live on this bloody earth. You come within 100 feet of him and those will be the last moves you make. So shut your mouth and stay the fuck away from my little brother. Got it?"

Tommy's dad nodded slowly.

I knew Techno wasn't joking, he had taken a liking to Tommy the day that they met.Techno hated 'children' but when we met Tommy (he had been 13), Techno grew quickly to love the energetic teen. Techno wouldn't hesitate to hurt the person that was hurting Tommy. 

Tommy couldn't breathe. I could feel his body shaking against mine and I heard his breathing pick up. He curled against me even more trying to ground himself but I could tell it wasn't working. Wilbur put Tommy's bags into the boot of my car and I walked quickly over to him. 

Once Wilbur saw the tears in Tommy's eyes and the teens struggle for breath, he closed the distance between us placing his hands on Tommy's shoulders. "Okay, Phil get him in the car so he can't see his dad." Wilbur told me softly.

I did as he asked, carefully moving Tommy see he was sat on the middle seat in the back. I slid in one side, closing the door and Wilbur did the same on his right. Tommy was doubled over, clutching his shirt by his chest as he swallowed down deep gulps of air. I knew Wilbur was best with this kind of thing so I looked over to him. He took control. "Shh, Tommy, you're gonna be okay, Phil and I are here, we've got you, You're safe." He said, "Can you name 5 things that you can see?" 

"The s-seats,o-our c-can't..." 

"That's alright sweetheart, just focus on Phil and me for a moment then okay? Listen to m voice, you don't even need to concentrate on my words, let them blur together, just know that you are safe. You won't get hurt alright? We're going to protect you." 

Slowly but surely, Tommy's breathing returned to normal. Techno came back to the car, leaning across Wilbur to wrap his arms around the small boy when he saw the tear stained cheeks. I got into the front and let Techno take my place so that I could drive. Halfway through the drive, I looked in the rear-view mirror and saw Tommy had fallen asleep, his head resting on Wilbur's shoulder while Wilbur ran his fingers through the boys hair.

It took 30 minutes to get back to Wilbur's, Techno had gotten the police private line, so that way we could ring up and ask about the legalities. Wilbur carried Tommy inside while I took his bag, leading them into Wilbur's room. Wilbur lay Tommy down in the middle of the double bed before laying down beside him, I lay on his other side and Techno behind me. We fell asleep knowing that Tommy was safe and no one could hurt him now.

735 words

love you guys

- Ace O

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