Bullied - SBI + Friend Tubbo

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This is a family and a school AU

Tommy's P.O.V

It had been happening for a long time now. The kids at school would tease me relentlessly about anything and everything. It used to be about how my YouTube channel was shit and would never grow big. Then when I hit 1 million and eventually 2 million it was about how everyone I played Minecraft with hated me and wished I were dead. They would beat me up in the hallways and yell names at me in class. The teachers didn't seem to care. I mean why would they. They had no control over what was happening and even they could control it why would they bother. It had gotten to the point where the bullies would threaten to hurt my friends if I ever told anyone what was happening. So I kept quiet, and just let it happen. By now I had learned not to fight back. 

"Oi! Bitch. Get over here." I heard Parker shout. Parker was the worst. I had only just gotten through the doors of school and Parker was already starting a fight. I complied, head down walking over. Once I was close enough, he grabbed the front of my shirt and slammed my back against the wall. Since Wilbur had dropped me off quite early not many people were in school yet. "I saw you and you're brother." Parker growled, "You realise that he hates you right? You are a disappointment to both of your brothers and to your parents, oh wait, they're dead." That stung. To the point I almost swung at him. My parents had died in a car crash when I was young but Phil had adopted me. He was my dad, and I loved him. "Nobody loves you Tommy, when will you learn." With that he punched me twice. Hard in the face, before stalking off. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I dragged myself to the bathroom checking the damage. My lip was split open and my nose was bleeding. I began to silent sob as I looked at my reflection until the door opened and someone walked in. It was Tubbo. "Tommy?" He said softly, walking over a pulling me gently to face him.

"Holy shit, I- what happened?" 

"It's nothing." I mumbled.

"No Tommy, it's not nothing. Everyday you have bruises on you or I'll see you with a bloody lip or nose, something is wrong! Please. I just want to help." 

He pushed me to sit on the countertop as he got some tissue and held it to my nose. 

"I-I can't t-tell you." I whispered.

"Tommy, you can tell me anything. You know that." He said, sitting beside now.

I leaned closer to him. "But, b-but you'll get h-hurt and I-I can't l-let you g-get hurt." A couple more tears fell down my face. Tubbo ran his hand over my back, pulling me into a hug as I broke down crying again. I could feel his fingers playing with my blonde curls as I leant my forehead on his shoulder. "Tommy, is someone in school hurting you?" He asked.

I hesitated before slowly nodding.

"Are they threatening you? Is that why you won't talk about it?" 

I nodded again. Tubbo's eyes seemed to somehow soften. "Tommy, how long has this really been going on for?" 

Tubbo was a year older than me. So we only saw each other at break, lunch and maybe passing on the way to our next lesson. Tubbo never heard the shouting during lessons. Never saw the notes and paper thrown at me with writing telling me to kill myself. Tubbo took the bus in so he was never there when I got beat up first thing in the morning. And when he wasn't coming to mine, he left school early on the bus, never there when they beat me after school. Tubbo wasn't a witness to any of it. Except my poorly excused bruises and today's breakdown. 

"Almost a y-year." I whimpered.

Parker had moved schools at the start of the year and I had become his target. He'd made friends and they to had turned into the gang I so wanted to escape.

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