I'm busy - Tommy+SBI

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This chapter is a follow up of the chapter 'What he did.' but it is Tommy that was tortured by Schlatt, instead of Karl. Also, Dream is Tommy's brother. Enjoy! 

T/W past abuse, panic attacks and PTSD.

Tommy's P.O.V

It was a Tuesday evening and I was tired. I hadn't been getting sleep recently, plagued by nightmares of what Schlatt had done to me. It was 3 months after I had been rescued and I was still recovering both mentally and physically. I had a permanent limp and somedays it got to the point that I couldn't walk at all. I was having an in-between time. I had been shaky all day and tried not to walk around too much. Tubbo and I had spent the day in the field, watching the bees and making flower chains. 

I was happy. The day had gone well. Now I was back at home and everything had to go wrong. When I got through the door, my legs were shaking with the effort of holding myself up and I was tired but I was happy. George and Sapnap were here and I was glad because Sapnap was like a brother to me. George and I didn't know each other properly so it could sometimes get a little awkward between us but he was my brother's boyfriend after all. I leant on everything that I could as I made my way towards my room. I stumbled around the corner and accidentally crashed into another person. They were holding a mug, which fell from their hands and crashed to the ground, shattering into a million pieces. 

The sudden loud noise was overwhelming and I moved my hand to cover my ears. I had run into George. "Tommy!" He said loudly, "Watch where you're going! You made me break Dream's mug! It's ruined." 

"You ruin everything, Tommy." Schlatt's voice echoed in my head. A cruel smile twisting on his face.

"I'm sorry," I whimpered, looking up at George fearfully.

"Sorry isn't good enough. The mug's not gonna fix itself just cause you said sorry."

"Sorry isn't good enough Tommy," Shlatt laughed, "You're going to be punished." 

"I-I'll fix it." 

"You'll just it worse." 

"You just make everything worse." 

My thoughts were spiralling out of control and I was scared. I didn't recognise who I was talking to anymore. Was Schlatt back? No. Dream killed him after Schlatt hurt me. But...why was he stood in front of me then? He's going to hurt me. I've been bad. I broke something. I make everything worse. Oh god.

I found myself in the doorway of Dream's room before I could stop myself. Both he and Sapnap looked up when they heard me. 

"What's up Tommy? I'm kinda busy." Dream said.

"I-I...I need help." I replied shakily.

"Tommy, I'm busy." 

"B-But, you said th-that if I n-needed you..." 

"Again, I'm busy, and I say you could call me if you need help. You're fine. Whatever it is, you'll figure it out by yourself." 

I couldn't stop the tremors that shook my body. My own brother was refusing to help me after promising that I could rely on him. 

"D-Dream, p-please." 

"I'm busy!" 

Dream's voice merged with Schlatt's and for a second I saw the ram-horned ex-president sat where my brother was. Sapnap's eyes flashed with sympathy. I couldn't do it. I grabbed my shoes, putting them quickly on before leaving the house. I ran as fast and as far as I could. I needed to get away. Away from him. Well, it wasn't him but it seemed like it. My legs were burning, as were my lungs as I stumbled into central l'manberg. My legs gave out and I collapsed on the wooden walkways hearing someone shouting my name.


Wilbur's P.O.V

It was dark and cold but Phil, Techn and I had decided to go out for a walk. Just around the outskirts of L'manberg, nothing too far. We were heading back home when I saw Tommy on the wooden platforms by the houses. I went to start walking over when I saw him suddenly drop to the floor. Even at about 100 metres away I could see the boy trembling where he sat. 

"Tommy!" I yelled, catching Phil and Techno's attention. They looked where I was looking and when they saw the boy, they broke into a sprint running over to him. I knelt down beside him. "Tommy? Toms, look at me." I whispered, "What happened?" He couldn't reply, his breathing was too erratic from the sobs that wracked his body. Phil came and knelt on his other side.

"Okay, Tommy, I want you to name 5 things that you can see, can you fo that for me?" He asked.

"Uh...y-you, W-Wilbur, Techno, the...th-the water and the l-lanterns."

"Good, now 4 things you can feel." 

"The w-wood, y-your hand, Wilbur's h-hand and my sh-shirt." 

"Alright, 3 thing that you can hear?" 

"Y-you, the water and m-my voice." 

"Okay, you did so good love, can you breathe a little better now?" 

Tommy nodded. "Can I touch you?" I asked. He nodded again. 

"Okay, I'm gonna pick you up." As soon as my hands touched his skin I could felt how cold he was, "Jesus, you're freezing! Let's get you inside, then we'll talk." 

I lifted him bridal style and took him back to our house. 

Once he was settled on the sofa, curled up to my side and swaddled in several different blankets, Phil initiated a conversation.

"Why aren't you at home?" He asked softly.

"C-couldn't be there," Tommy replied, "Schlatt was there." 

"Tommy, Schlatt's dead." Techno quickly reminded him.

"Yeah, yeah it wasn't him but, I thought it was. It was George...and then Dream." 

The look on my dads face when he realised the amount of trauma that the boy sat with us held, was just...horrified.

"Why did you think they were Schlatt?" I pressed him for more information.

"I ran into George and he dropped the mug he was holding. He was angry. He shouted at me and I could always hear Schlatt repeating the words from...back then. Then I went to Dream for help b-because...I-I'm not okay and h-he shouted to. B-But his voice m-merged with Schlatt's." Tommy burst into tears again and I wrapped my arms around him, rocking him gently. "I'm so proud of you Tommy. Dream shouldn't have shouted, neither should George and I'm sure Techno and Phil will have a word with them, how come you were on the ground, was it because you couldn't breathe?" 

"No, my legs gave out a-again." 

"Okay, love, you just get some rest." 

I held him close as he fell asleep knowing that he would be safe with us. 

The next day Techno and Phil left to speak with Dream and George and I spent the morning with Tommy, just lazing around in pyjamas. He borrowed some of mine and they were ridiculously big on his small skinny frame. 

When Phil returned Dream was with him. When he saw Tommy, he ran forwards, scooping the boy into his arms and hugging him gently. "I'm so sorry; I should've listened." He whispered repeatedly. 

Although I was a little bit hesitant to let him, I knew that Tommy had to go home eventually. I settled on giving him a hug and telling him that he was welcome with us, anytime he wanted and or needed. 

Tommy visited more often and Dream never undermined his problems again. 

I hate this chapter a lot so I'm sorry!

Please leave me a shit ton of requests I've run out of ideas!!!!

Take care.

1265 words

love you guys.

- Ace O :))

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