Headache - Tommy & Wilbur

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Shitty 5 minute art done by me.

[Tommy's P.O.V]

I was sat in my room, at my desk as I usually was, streaming on the Dream SMP. I had a can of coke beside me and couple of paracetamol pills behind that. I looked at them desperately wanting to take some to try and dull the ever growing pain but I had already taken three earlier and I knew that taking anymore would be bad. I tried to ignore the steady throbbing and instead focus on the voices around me, but the loud words and the bright screen were just making it all worse. My stream could tell there was something wrong, constantly asking if I was okay and if there was something wrong. I didn't answer them.

"Tommy." Wilbur said. "You seem quiet for once." Both insulting me and showing his worry in the same sentence.

"Huh? Yeah, yeah, just don't feel like shouting." I said quickly. I knew the older boy didn't believe me and I felt my phone buzz seeing a message from Will.

[WilburShoot] I'm coming to your room after the stream and
 you're gonna tell me what's wrong. Okay?
Sent /22:47/  {received}

                                                                                                           [Me] Nothings wrong Will, just a little                                                                                                                                headache.
                                                                                                                    Sent /22:48/ {received}

 We continued on with the stream but it was only getting worse and worse to the point where I could barely hear anyone around me, too focused on the horrible pain. My hands where shaky so my Minecraft was shaking too. Quackity joined the call and started to shout. SO loud. That's when it got to much. I abruptly ended my stream, shoved my headphones off my head, left the discord and sat back with my head in my hands. A tear rolled down my face and I breathed deeply, pushing away the arising nausea that came with the agony. I saw Wilbur's stream end too since I had it up on my second monitor and only seconds after, there came the sound of footsteps running down the hall. My door was opened and closed again. I didn't move. A hand placed itself on my shoulder. "Tommy." Will said softly, I looked up and he saw the tears, pulling me quickly into a hug, "Oh, buddy what happened?" 

"M-my h-head-" I stammered, barely able to form a coherent sentence.

"You're head hurts really bad?" He asked,

I made a small noise of agreement. "Alright, have you taken any medicine and when?" 

" I - I took th-three paracetamol about 4 h-hours ago." 

"Okay, you can have another dosage then. I'm gonna go get you some water, I'll be right back." 

Wilbur left the room, but was soon back holding a glass of water. He sat down on my bed, pulling my chair so I was in front of him, before popping out two paracetamol pills and and pressing them into my palm. "Take these two, okay?" He said, I'm going to run downstairs and set something up, I'll be two seconds." I nodded as he left once again. I threw back my head, swallowing down the medication with aid of the water before sitting with my knees to my chest, eyes screwed shut. When Wilbur returned he grabbed one of the blankets off my bed before helping me to my feet and wrapping his arm around my waist as he brought me downstairs. All the lights were off. The TV was on but the brightness was low so it didn't hurt. Wilbur sat on the sofa and I laid down so that my head was in his lap. He put on my favourite TV show and draped a blanket over me. I curled up as the pain finally began to lessen. I could feel Wilbur's fingers threading through my hair, lulling me to sleep. Yes, I was in pain but I had Wilbur and Wilbur would look after me.

Inspired by a toothache, that just won't go away.


665 words

love y'all

- Colby O

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