Sugar Burns - Tommy

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T/W medical inaccurcies (a lot but I don't care at this point XD), mild description of injury, dissociation.

Based on yesterday's events.

Tommy's P.O.V

I was in the middle of food tech when the incident happened. We were making caramel for a caramel infused cheesecake and we had been given multiple warnings on how bad sugar burns were so I was making sure to be as careful as I could be. Ranboo and Tubbo were also working in the same kitchen as me, so I worked with them, helping them get their food done. I was the person that most people went to when they had a problem in food tech because I knew a lot about cooking. It was fun! Also, I was a stress baker. So, when I was panicking at 2 am I would end up in the kitchen baking cookies or something of the sort. It both calmed me down and I had some nice food to eat in the morning or share with Tubbo and Ranboo. 

The bullying had been getting worse over the past week and being able to stress bake, in school, was quite a relaxing thought.  

I poured the caster sugar into the saucepan at medium heat, watching it carefully for when a quarter of it was melted. 

Once I saw that it had melted all around the edges, I began to stir it slowly. Now and again, Tubbo or Ranboo would nudge me to get my attention back on the task at hand because I was kind of...spacey. I had been like that all day. It was just how I got sometimes. We were all stood around the stovetop, with our three separate saucepans just talking to each other and laughing. The three of us were ahead of the rest of the class so we could take our time. 

Once the caramel was finished, I took it off the heat, poured it into a bowl, and left it cool. Then started to make the actual filling. I was mixing together the cream cheese and vanilla when I heard someone talking from across the room. Well, everyone was talking but I honed in on that voice because I heard my name being said.

"Look, I know you like hurting Tommy, but I think this is too far." 

I couldn't tell who said it but I knew that Tubbo and Ranboo had heard it too by the way that they stepped closer to me. I put down my spoon moving over to the sink so that I could start washing up some of my dishes knowing that it was always easy to wash up as you went than to wash everything up at the very end. 

As I was drying my hands off, turning around to continue making the cheesecake filling, one of the boys from my class was stood right behind me. He was holding a saucepan in one hand, filled with scalding hot caramel. That's when he 'tripped'. Literally anyone could have been able to tell that it was fake. All he did was scuff his feet on the floor and jump forwards but no one was watching. The bottom of the saucepan hit against my palm and the caramel splashed out over the edge onto my arm and little went up onto my cheek.

I gasped, pulling away, tears filling my eyes.

What the fuck?!

Tubbo and Ranboo rushed over, guiding me to the sink. Ranboo held my wrist keeping my arm under the cold water while Tubbo got a cloth wet and held it to my cheek. It hurt worse than anything I had ever felt before. Tubbo was motioning frantically for someone to get the teacher and at this point, the water that drained down the sink was a bright red. 

I heard the teacher's voice growing closer and then saw him in my peripherals. "Oh my god, what happened?" He said. 

"Callum threw his caramel on Tommy's arm." Ranboo said, "And no, it wasn't an accident." 

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