I couldn't think of a title in time - Tommy

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T/W seizures, medication, minor injuries.

Wilbur's P.O.V

When Tommy got invited onto Simon Minter's podcast, I was the first to know. The boy had called me at nearly one in the morning, buzzing with excitement as he read through his discord conversation. Simon had said he could bring anyone he wanted and as he read that part in the text conversation, he asked me if I would come with him to London.

Of course, I said yes.

It was scheduled for the Friday which was 5 days away so I had plenty of time to make sure I had everything clear and get any remaining work I had done before going to London with Tommy for three days.

I knew how excited Tommy was. He had watched the Sidemen for ages and now he had been invited onto Simon and Randalph's podcast. It was practically a dream come true.


The day came a lot quicker than expected but I wasn't complaining. I was looking forward to seeing Tommy again and hanging out with him, as I was for most meetups anyway.

Both of us were getting trains into London and then we were going to meet in our hotel room at around 5 pm on the Friday. There was a slight blip in the plan where his train was delayed for a fucking hour so I ended up at our hotel much earlier than him. It wasn't really that big of a deal though. I just gave the front desk my information, took the keycard and let myself into the room.

After putting some stuff away, I switched on the small TV that sat in the corner of the room and lay back on my bed, watching some random show to pass the time.

I was sat for about 1 and a half hours before the door handle twisted and in walked Tommy. I was on my feet in a second, making my way over and wrapping my arms around him. "Hey, Wilbur," He said, his voice was quiet but I could hear the happiness in it. 

"How was the train ride?" I asked, leading him over to sit on the edge of the far bed. I knew he'd be more comfortable in the bed closest to the wall instead of the door so I set myself up on the door side as I didn't really have a preference.

"It was alright. I'm really tired though." 

"I bet. Well, it's half 6 so if you want, we could order some food, eat and then you can go to bed. It's probably a good idea to get an early night anyway, we're leaving at 7 am." 

"Yeah, that's fair enough." 

I downloaded a food delivery app and ordered MacDonalds for the both of us waiting for it to arrive before making my way down to the lobby and bring it back up to our room. 

We ate our food and watched a few more crappy TV shows before deciding to settle down for the night. 

♪ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ♪

The next morning, I woke up before Tommy, getting dressed and ordering us some breakfast from the room service before deciding to actually wake the younger boy. I shook his shoulder, passing him a plate of pancakes as he started to wake up, sitting up properly. I knew he needed to eat before he took his meds so the first thing I did was press the food towards him, grabbing him a bottle of water and taking his orange-tinted med bottle from the bathroom, placing them on the nightstand beside him.

We sat and ate for a bit before realising we were late and Tommy rushed to get changed so that we could get an Uber in time. 

•————— ♬ —————•

Fortunately, we arrived at a reasonable time. Only 10 minutes. Obviously, we wanted to make it on time but let's be honest, it rarely ever happened. We made our way up to the correct apartment and I let Tommy knock on the door, watching as he bounced on his heels slightly with excitement. Simon was quick to answer the door, inviting us inside and following the general guest code of offering us something to eat or drink which we politely declined. Tommy was given a glass of water anyway for the podcast.

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