MCC gone wrong (not clickbait) -Tommy

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T/W seizures, allergy

Wilbur's P.O.V

Tonight was MCC. Sadly, the family had once again been split up but it made sense that we wouldn't get to be together every time. Tommy was with Karl, Sapnap and Dream. I was with Ponk, Lizzie and Scott. Phil was with Sylvie, George and Tubbo, and Techno was with Ranboo, Nikki and Jack. All four of us had been looking forward to it for a while now as they changed a lot of the games and the maps had been rebuilt and redesigned. Scott had posted a trailer for it on Twitter and it had gotten everyone excited. We already had a routine for big stream nights. Phil would force us to have dinner before we streamed, or at least some kind of food, and we had to have a bottle of water with us at our desks. He was always worried we would get dehydrated ever since the sunstroke incident a year before. That wasn't very fun. Even if it didn't seem necessary to us we did it anyone if only to put Phil's mind at ease. After dinner, we would set up our streaming equipment and get everything started. Then, once we had finished the stream the four of us would normally sit together on the sofa and watch some random show as it would be hard for Tommy to calm himself down after being in persona for a long time.

This time was no different, Phil made dinner which was some weird thing we hadn't tried before. I thought it was quite nice but Tommy and Techno didn't eat very much. I was a little concerned but tried to ignore it.

By the time we had all got our streams set up and started, we were almost late. Thankfully we had made it just in time. I switched VC's so I was in my team VC after saying goodbye to my family.

Tommy's P.O.V

In all honesty, I absolutely hated dinner. It wasn't spicy but for some reason it made my throat burn and I felt really nauseous. I didn't want to upset Phil so I tried to eat as much as I could. Realistically, he wouldn't have been upset, he would have just tried to offer me some other food but I still worried.

When I was allowed to leave the table and go to my room once more, I felt awful. It had come on really suddenly so I guessed it was probably the fault of whatever Phil had cooked but still, I didn't want to say anything in case I accidentally offended him. I set up my steam, getting into my team's VC and loading up the server. Checking my webcam, I noticed that I did look quite pale, asides from the pink dusting my cheeks, and my eyes looked a little red, almost as if I had been crying but I brushed it off in favour of starting my stream.

We were instantly launched into voting and the first game decided was build mart. It was an awful game to start on but I couldn't find it within me to complain. I knew that my whole character was supposed to be loud, and annoying and complain all the time but I really didn't feel like it. In fact, each second that passed, I felt closer and closer to simultaneously passing out and throwing up. That would not end up well. I refused to do either of those things on camera, not that I would really get a choice about it.

I decided that I was just being a baby and needed to suck it up. So I put on a brave face and tried to concentrate on the game.

"What do I need to get Dream?" I asked.

"Go and get some flowers, like 3 of each and then some red and yellow stained glass." His voice boomed into my ears and I had to resist flinging my headphones halfway across the room. When did he get so loud?

The game went by quickly, or maybe it was slowly, I didn't know. It felt like I had blinked and it had ended but at the same time, it felt like years had passed. The screen suddenly seemed so much brighter and my chest had started to ache. Dream and Karl kept trying to joke around with me, confused as to why I wasn't being as energetic as I normally would. Sapnap was quiet, and whenever he spoke he didn't sound fully...committed? No, he just sounded like he was thinking about something, and not really paying attention to the actual game. As the second game started up, sands of time, which once again was an awful game to start on, my vision began to bur slightly and my throat felt tight. "Tommy?" Sapnap asked.

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