You don't have to do this on you own - Tommy (pt4)

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T/W This story contains scenes of cancer.

Tommy's P.O.V

After the call ended, Wilbur brought me to lie down on his bed and I was asleep in minutes.

When I woke up, there was someone lying next to me. I could feel and gentle hand, running through my hair and when I opened my eyes a little a could see the light of a phone screen. I opened my eyes more and tried to sit up. The hand in my hair didn't feel like Wilbur's, his were bigger and he had small blisters on his fingertips from playing the guitar. Techno's hands were calloused, and if it was Phil then he would always rub his thumb over my hairline. I wanted to know who was with me.

"You're awake!" That sounded like...

"Tubbo?" I said, hating the way my voice shook.

"Hey, Tommy," He replied. I wrapped my arms tightly around his shoulders and he laughed, holding me close, "I missed you." 

"I missed you too Tubbo." I laughed. (NOT A SHIP)"What time is it?"

"It's 6 am," He replied.

"Did you sleep at all?" 

"Yeah, I only woke up a minute or two before you." 

"How long have you been here?" 

"Uh, well, you fell asleep at 10 pm, Wilbur said you weren't feeling that good yesterday, and then I got here at...midnight? I think so anyway." 

"Well, I'm glad you're here." 

"Me too." 

I curled up against his side and he put down his phone, keeping one hand in my hair and wrapping the other around my shoulder. We both fell asleep again.

Phil's P.O.V

I went upstairs to check on the boys and smiled to find Tommy and Tubbo curled up beside each other. A smile spread on my face at the two best friends. I was really glad that Tubbo had come over because I was worried about Tommy's mental health through the whole thing. What he was going through was extremely difficult and he needed people around him to support him. Obviously, he had Wilbur, Techo and me to look after him but having Tubbo around would be good too. It was his best friend and thought that having a laugh with Tubbo could help him to feel better. I may or may not have taken a picture or two on my phone before returning downstairs. 

Techno was second to wake up, coming down to the kitchen to help me make breakfast for everyone. Then we went and woke up the others getting them to come downstairs. Together, we sat at the table and ate breakfast just talking. 

"So, I'm thinking about telling some more people on the SMP today." 

"Okay, take it easy though, only tell people that you're comfortable with, there's no pressure," Techno said. 

"Thanks, can I use your computer, Wilbur?" 

"Yeah, of course, let me just log into my account and load up discord." 

Tommy's P.O.V

I made my way up to Wilbur's room, Tubbo supporting me a little, before sinking down into Wilbur's chair. He typed away at his keyboard, eventually, discord was on the screen. Wilbur grabbed a stool from the corner of his room and Tubbo sat down on that, right beside me. "Do you want me to stay or go?" Will asked.

"Uh, can you...go?" 

"Of course, just call me if you need me." 

"Will do." 

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