Knock Knock - Tommy

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First off, happy Halloween! I went out with a few friends but ultimately had to leave early cause suppressing tics hurt. I hope everyone's having an amazing day/night!

I've started doing the multiple ending thing again so this has two different endings. The first is slightly reminiscent of Annie96 is typing (a horror story that I watched years ago) and the second one is based on something that happened to my friend so hopefully you enjoy!

For context:

Gremlin Child = Tommy

Dadza = Philza

Half n' half = Ranboo

Bee boi = Tubbo

Nikachu = Nikki

Homeless Tellytubbie = Dream

Las Drogas = Quackity

Another fookin' banana?! = Minx

Sand Eater = Wilbur

Orphan Killer = Techno

T/W schizophrenia, hallucinations, demon?, break-in situation, panic, implied death

Tommy's P.O.V

Halloween night. I wasn't someone who really went out on Halloween night. The dressing up I could get behind but trick or treating wasn't exactly my thing unless I was going to be with a group of friends. It was a little bit sad going by myself. Eryn and Freddie were staying at home and they were my only two friends that lived locally so I just decided why not buy a bag of sweets and just stay in my room watching films and messaging some friends. It was cold out anyway and I already had a cough which I didn't want to make any worse. In the morning I had gone to the shop that was only 10 minutes away and bought two bags of assorted sweets before going home and pouring half of them into a bowl which I left at the bottom of the stairs so I could just grab it when the trick or treaters inevitably came. I lived on a reasonably busy street so it made sense but a part of me just wanted to turn off all the lights, disable the doorbell and pretend I wasn't home. Then again...maybe I could. 

As the sunset and the trick or treaters started knocking, I decided that I would go out for the first few and then call it a night. 

About an hour into the regular ringing, I switched off the doorbell speaker and turned off all of the lights, taking the second bag of sweets and retreating to my room. I drew the curtains before sliding under the covers of my bed and turning on my laptop. I hadn't even done anything all day but I still felt really tired. Netflix was soon loaded up, playing one of the first animated horror films I could find. Coraline. It wasn't actually that scary to me, well maybe the button eyes were a little unnerving and the first time I had ever watched it - which was with Wilbur, Phil and Techno at our first full SBI meetup - I hid my face in Phil's shoulder) but I wasn't really in the mood for watching anything scarier. I wasn't even paying much attention to the film anyway, too focused on my phone where I had the main group chat open. I wasn't really participating in the conversation, more reading and backreading the chat as everyone else seemed to be online and spamming each other. I was mid-reading a message that Nikki had just put in chat when I heard something akin to footsteps and the sound of bushes rustling. I weighed up the possibility of it being on the film and decided that even if it wasn't, people would be walking around all evening since it was Halloween and all.

30 minutes passed before I realised I could hear the noise again, the sound of footsteps pacing back and forth. I tried to ignore it, once again telling myself that it was just the sound of people moving around outside. That's when I realised that the only reason I could hear it so clearly was because my window was open. That meant that the sound wasn't coming from the front of the house, the overlook on the street, it was coming from the back garden. My room faced out over the garden so for me to be able to hear the noise that clearly, whoever was walking around was in my garden. A shiver ran down my spine at the sudden realisation and my hands shook minutely as I started typing out a message into the group chat.

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