Walk on Unsteady Legs (Please don't let me fall) - Tommy

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The name is pronounced Ben-i-zee-za

Tommy's P.O.V

Phil and Techno had helped me to build a just that I could adjust the height of so that I could switch between having it lower and staying sat in my wheelchair and having it higher, sat on my gaming chair. As far as my viewers were aware, my chair was old so I kept swapping it for Wilbur's every now and then as it was more comfortable. It was a bad lie and if I was face to face with someone and they asked me, I would not be able to keep it going but since it was just a small, white lie, that I was telling to my empty room, it was fine. Phil was always talking about how I should be doing whatever made me comfortable, even it meant lying to the people who watched my videos and streams. I had been having a bad week, unable to walk due to the severe tremors that shook through my legs, making it impossible to stay upright without holding onto something or someone. I had just gotten my new wheelchair, an active one that I was so happy with. The wheels were easily detachable and the back was able to fold down meaning it was easy if I needed to transport it in the car or put it into a small space. Wilbur was the one who helped me to customise my wheelchair, buying stickers to stick to the frame and two, red seatbelt covers to put over the poles that held up the foot piece. It had been almost 2 years of living with Phil, Wilbur and Techno when the symptoms started. I was 15 at the time and still in school, Pog (my service dog) constantly by my side. The teachers were aware of why I needed Pog, for fainting episodes and absence/atonic seizures, however, it was a bit of a panic when anything new happened.


Phil's P.O.V

After Tommy had moved in with us, I had become his legal guardian, meaning I was his emergency contact for school. Wilbur and Techno were both secondary contacts but Wilbur was in college so he was last on the list. It was pretty normal at this point (almost once a week) for us to be called by the receptionist in SSC - student support centre - for him to be sent home because he'd had multiple seizures and was really tired so when I got a call in the middle of the day, I assumed it was that. When I answered the call, I was a lot more concerned.

"Hi, Phil!" Mrs Carter said, voice cheerful as always, but this time I could hear a faint fear to it.

"Hey Claire, everything alright?" I replied, seeing Techno stand up from where he had been sat beside me to search for the car keys.

"Well, Tommy's been having a reasonably good day but he's come in at the start of lunch with his wrist locked. It's completely curled in and we haven't been able to move it. He said it started to feel stiff and was slowly curling in then it was completely curled and it just stuck like that. There isn't much we can do for him here and it seems like it hurts so I think it would be best for him to go home." 

I bit my lower lip lightly as the many possibilities ran through my mind. "Yeah, no worries, I'll be there in 10." 

"Alright, see you soon. Bye." 

The call ended and I pressed the phone back into the pocket of my jeans with a sigh, looking up to see Techno walking back in with the car keys. "We're getting Tommy I assume?" He said. I nodded.


"No, they said his wrist is locked like it's curled in on itself," I said, mimicking what I thought it might look like as an example.

"That hasn't happened before right?" 

"No, I don't think so." 

Techno and I walked out to the car, me getting into the driver's side while Techno sat in the passenger seat. It took 5 minutes to get to the school and I was always so thankful that we lived so close. The college campus was right next door and I knew it was around the time Wilbur was finishing for the day, so unless he was going to the library, we could pick him up as well. I got out of the car quickly making my way into the reception of the school. "Hey Phil, Techno," Mr Williamson smiled, nodded to the both of us. Most teachers knew who we were by that point, familiar with our faces.

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