Falling Like Ashes to the Ground

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T/W seizures and blood

You Deserve to Know the Truth

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Tommy sat down on the soft grey sofa in Wilbur's apartment, looking across from himself to where a camera sat upon a tripod, angled perfectly towards him. Wilbur, who had been scrolling aimlessly through his phone, switched it off and placed it face down onto the nearby coffee table, moving to sit beside the younger. On Tommy's other side, Nikki and Ranboo sat, also moving in closer once Tommy was seated, the camera angle wide enough to capture them all.

Dim light filtered through the grey and white patterned curtains behind them, and two large filming lights were set up behind them, filling the room with a bright, warm glow. Tommy sighed, looking up at the camera through blonde curls.

"So, this is a slightly different video to what I'd normally do," He began, gesturing to himself and the others, "I think you can already see that. I'm sure a lot of you have already heard or seen the clips that have been spreading on Twitter and Instagram and... I wasn't originally planning on talking about this yet but you guys deserve an explanation. I know people have been worried and I really appreciate it but I've been dealing with it for years and while it's not something you can ever really get used to, I've come to terms with it. First, I'm going to show the video that has been spreading on Twitter. If you don't like- I don't even know how to- if you know that you are sensitive to medical situations and things like that, maybe skip forward 7 seconds."


The sirens were loud.

The camera shook and jerked as it took in the surroundings, blurry quality video barely making out the forms of Ranboo and Jacksepticeye crouching over Tommy where he lay on the pavement outside of the Brighton Dome. Jack was moving Tommy, carefully attempting to pull him into the recovery position as an ambulance pulled into the parking lot nearby. The video cut just after Nikki came running out of a side exit, making her way towards them.

The video had blown up on Twitter, trending along with the hashtag #Tommyinnit


"So, as I said before, I'm sure a lot of you have seen that clip by now and this video is basically to explain everything and show you more about it."

There was a pause and Nikki nudged Tommy with a shoulder, flashing him an encouraging smile and nodding for him to continue.

"When I was 5, I fainted for the first time," He began, "I still remember it quite vividly. I remember feeling sick and then feeling dizzy, then it felt like my head was being lifted off of my shoulders. I cracked my head open that first time and scared the hell out of my teachers but that was just the beginning. I started to pass out more and more until eventually, I was passing out several times a day. I got used to it, my parents got used to it, my class and teachers got used to it and things just... carried on. We went to the doctors a couple of times, had a couple of hospital referrals but nothing happened. We got no diagnosis because they had no idea what was wrong with me. I just decided that I was going to try and live my life as best as I could despite the whole... fainting thing. But then, it became even worse. Not only would I faint but I'd started to have these...episodes as well. They're seizures, but they're not caused by epilepsy. I've had multiple EEGs to confirm that. I faint and then my whole body will tense up and my eyes start to flutter and roll back. It's not exactly painful while I'm having it because I can't feel my body, I can still hear things and occasionally feel when someone touches or moves me but not much. It only hurts once I come out of the seizure. That normally takes a few minutes to come out of because there's so much brain fog but once I've come out of it my body and head hurts from having all my muscles tensed up for so long. This wasn't something I was planning on telling you all because...well, it's just not relevant really. However, I hope that this can be helpful for people experiencing a similar or perhaps the same thing that I am. In that video, I had just left the venue for a moment, with Ranboo to get some air and started to have a seizure with little to no warning. I fell down hard and hit my head on the concrete," Tommy pushed some hair back off of his forehead to reveal a neat row of stitches, "And cracked my head open. Ranboo called an ambulance when he saw the amount of blood and the seizure ended up last almost 8 minutes which is pretty bad. The oxygen is cut off at 5 minutes which is why that's normally when you're supposed to call an ambulance. This is where I want anyone who does not wish to see... somewhat graphic clips of seizures to click off! From here I'm going to show a couple of videos to try and help you understand I guess and to spread awareness for what we are currently calling NEADs - the doctors said that is the closest thing to what I am experiencing. NEADs stand for Non-epileptic attack disorder. And before people start asking why we have these filmed, they were recorded to be sent to my neurologist. The first clip is from the inflatable water course video with George and Wilbur. We had just gotten out of the water and were heading back to get changed.

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