I'm Not Coming Home

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Sapnap's P.O.V

It had been two years since we had brought Tommy into our home. Throughout those years, Tommy and I had been teaching everyone sign language so they could understand him and they often liked to sign back to him. Tommy was a smart kid. He could read each other's emotions, even when they were being hidden. He knew when someone was having a bad day, or if someone was nervous. He was light on his feet and eager for Dream to teach him how to fight - which he proved himself to be really good at. We were all really glad that we had met the kid when we had.

A knock on my door alerted me that someone was there and I turned around to see Tommy stood in the doorway with tear stains down his cheeks. "Oh, bub! C'mere!" I said, opening my arms for him. He came over to my bed sitting down in front of me and leaning back so he was laying against my chest. "It's okay Tommy, It's okay, I've got you!" I rocked him back and forth gently. "Was it the nightmares again?" I asked. He nodded, curling up closer to me, "Oh Toms, I'm sorry." 

It's fine. He quickly signed.

"No, honey, it's not, you shouldn't have to deal with this." Tommy had been getting nightmares since he first moved in. He rarely spoke about them but often (like then) Tommy'd make his way into my room within the early hours of the morning and then he'd stay with me for the rest of the night. I gently began to thread my fingers through his hair, watching as his eyes began to flutter closed. "Get some rest alright? We'll talk in the morning." 

Thank you.

"That's okay, Toms, I love you." 

Love you too.

George's P.O.V

It had been 4 years since we had brought Tommy into our home. He was 12 now and he was family. He and I would often find ourselves going out into the woods to gather resources together or building little shelters. 

Dream, Karl, Quackity and Bad were going on a short trip to the other village, leaving Sapnap and me to take care of Tommy. 

"Wait...you've NEVER been swimming?!" Sapnap asked in disbelief, staring at Tommy like he was crazy.

Nope. Never.

"Oh my god, George! Go grab some towels we're going swimming!" 

"You don't need to shout you idiot, I'm right here." I laughed making him jump.

"Oh...well then. We're going to go swimming." 

"Alright, alright, I'll go pack up some stuff for us." 


I grabbed a backpack and filled it with towels, spare clothes and some food and drinks. We got changed into our swimming costumes before leaving the house.

I'll be honest. It went a lot better than I thought it was going to. Tommy didn't know how to swim so when we got to the lake, our first priority was teaching him the basics. Sapnap and I dived straight in before leading Tommy into a shallow part. I could tell that he was nervous so I took his hand, holding him against me, both of our feet touching the ground as we waited for ourselves to adjust to the sudden temperature change. "Okay. George and I are going to hold you up, so don't be scared. We're not gonna let anything happen to you." Sapnap said.


"Promise!" I smiled. 

We lead Tommy out a little bit further into the water and we began to teach him the movements, and the different types of swim stroke.

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