The Blip pt 2

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T/w Mild gore

Tommy's P.O.V

It started at the front of the plane, scared cries of witchcraft and wizardry and then began to echo backwards. People shouting various names and begging for them to come back. I was so confused. What was happening? We were stuck in a small cabin in the air, where would someone have managed to disappear too? Multiple people it so seemed had suddenly vanished into thin air. It didn't make sense. I didn't understand. Until I did. I hadn't been paying much attention to the man who was sitting to my left and the woman to my right but something caught my eye. People weren't supposed to...dissipate? Right? The woman was waving her hand in front of her face, watching in horror as it went fuzzy around the edges, particulates beginning to float off of her. Then she began to scream, "HELP!" At the top of her lungs, everyone turning just in time to see as she dissipated into a cloud of particles that slowly disappeared into the air.

What the fuck?!

The man in my left began to panic, pressing himself into his seat and gripping onto the armrests. The plane jolted again and this time there was a lot more screaming. I could feel as the centre of gravity changed, the plane tipping forwards until it was in a nose-diving position, hurling straight towards the runway in Orlando Florida. This was it. Seriously? This was how it was gonna go for me?  Well, I guess I had lived a good life. Still, would've liked to actually meet Sapnap and Dream but who's to say they would even have been there. Almost half the people on the plane were now missing and from the way we were dropping I had to guess the pilot and co-pilot were gone too. The man beside me had long gone by the time I opened my eyes again. My fingers dug into the edges of my seat, the black plastic rubbing them raw. Oxygen masks dropped down from the ceiling, hitting me in the face and I let go of the seat handles for a moment so that I could pull the plastic over my mouth and nose, sucking in a deep breath and closing my eyes. This really wasn't how I had expected I would die and it was probably one of the least favourable ways but hey, I wasn't choosing. Hopefully, I could just hit the ground and that would be it. I wouldn't have to feel anything. Pressing my back further into the seat I suddenly remembered a video I had seen. I couldn't quite remember where I had seen it but then again that didn't really matter in the given situation but to have the highest chance of surviving a plane crash you were supposed to assume a brace position. Feet flat, head cradled against knees. Manoeuvring my seatbelt so it wouldn't be digging into my stomach, I doubled over, placing my hands over my head and (although I wasn't exactly religious) praying to any god or deity that could hear me that I would survive whatever the fuck was going on. There was a low groaning sound as the metal began to give way from the speed that we were dropping and there were still people screaming and crying for forgiveness, begging to no one that they would get out alive and see their families again. Other people had accepted fate and were copying my braced position or were trying to calm the screaming passengers, one man, in particular, had completely lost it. His bright idea was to take his seatbelt off because that would definitely save him. I didn't look away fast enough and I knew that if I made it out alive, the image of the man's bloody body flying past me would never leave me. There was no way he survived that. Taking one more glance at the window I could see buildings, the tops of them anyways, it was over. Taking one last deep breath, I pressed my face into my hands and tensed as the plane finally impacted and with a final jolt, everything went dark.

Sapnap's P.O.V

It had taken a lot of convincing for Tommy's parents to allow him to come up to America to visit Dream and me but the day had finally arrived. Dream had dragged me into the car, even though we were still an hour early and driven us to the airport, straight to the gate that he had memorised by now and then it was just a waiting game. We sat in our chairs for...somewhere around an hour and a half - due to Tommy's plane being delayed - when Dream turned to me. His face was pale and he no longer looked so excited. My heart dropped, was he ill? Did I miss something? "Dream?" I said slowly, "Are- Are you okay?" 

"Nick...I don't feel so good," He murmured, bringing a shaking hand up to his head. Somewhere across the terminal, there was a scream, closely followed by another and another. I turned my head to look towards where the scream had come from and then there would be another in the opposite direction. Whipping my head back to look towards Dream I paused. Where was he? I had looked away for 5 seconds and then he was gone. Standing from my seat, I turned in a circle scanning each and every face to make sure he hadn't just gone in search of a bathroom or something but there was no sign of him whatsoever. More screaming came from behind me and pivoting on my heel, I turned to see a person, a real human person, dissolve into thin air. How was- there was no way that that was possible! People didn't just dissipate into particles. The more I looked around the more people I saw disappear, the remaining left shaking in fear, just waiting to be dragged away like their friends or family. It didn't take long for the number of people on the terminal to be at least halved. Where people had been crowding each other, pushing and shoving in their hurry to get to their destination there were empty spaces. Gaps that should have been filled by the loved ones who had disappeared within seconds. It just didn't make sense. The terminal buzzed with shouting and loud voices all conjoined in confusion, scared as to what had happened and whether or not they were about to disappear too. I was more concerned as to what had happened to the people that had disappeared. Oh, and the growing noise of a plane engine. It was getting louder and louder and for a moment, I just assumed that the plane was coming into land but no, no that couldn't have happened. Yet another thing had to go wrong. There was a crash that shook the floor, the huge, 12-foot windows shattering, glass sliding across the floor. Holy shit, the plane had crashed. I stepped closer to the gaping hole in the wall that looked out of the runway where a window should have been and looked out onto the wreckage. The front of the plane was completely crushed, disfigured beyond repair. It was to the point you wouldn't have been able to tell it was plane if you were looking at it head-on, instead, it looked more like a bunch of scrap metal, that didn't belong together, that had been toasted and then crushed in a hydraulic press. It wasn't pretty. I couldn't see much of the back but thick black smoke was rising from the wreckage, so I could only guess what lay behind. I saw as several people rushed out of the doors and down the steps towards the wreckage, which probably wasn't very safe, but hey, I couldn't talk as I quickly found myself following on. Running down the metal stairs and out onto the asphalt, the back of the plane came into view. The top of the plane had peeled away, leaving the seats open, fire spreading slowly up the aisle, tearing into the seats. There were several bodies, laying in the seats and a few scattered around the plane on the tarmac, there weren't nearly as many as there should have been though. "We need to get everyone out and away from the wreckage! Go check to see if anyone's breathing, hurry!" Someone shouted. I followed a couple of people up a metal ladder that had been propped precariously against the side of the sturdiest remains of the plane, climbing inside the remnants of the cabin. The plane was at an angle so walking up the aisle was disorienting and I kept stumbling, tripping over myself and the bits of broken metal that stuck out from under the seats. I was sent to the back of the plane, a few other people making their way towards the middle and front. The sight was horrific. The corridor was bathed in blood, bodies strewn across the seats and for in such a state there was no way they were alive and even if they were they wouldn't be for much longer. Some passengers were impaled in their seats, long pieces of shrapnel or metal poles sticking out of them, pinning them to their chairs. I had no idea where Tommy would have been sitting but I hadn't seen him, so I hoped, that for his sake, he had disappeared, then he wouldn't have had to crash. Maybe. I still wasn't sure what had happened to the people who disappeared. Were they gone forever? Were they in some sort of limbo? A void? Were they ever truly there? Was I dreaming? Imagining the whole thing? Was-

"HEY!" A voice yelled from somewhere closer to the middle of the plane, "We've got a kid here! He's alive!" 

Sorry these are so short and messy, I just figured I'd rather give you something instead of nothing.

Hope this is still living up to your expectations :]

I'm gonna be back to school when I post the next one and my mental health is at an all time low already so this will be fun. I'm finally negative for covid but still feel really ill so I'm hoping that clears up.

1725 words

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take care

love you guys

- Bee :]]

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