You don't have to do this on your own - Tommy (pt3)

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Tommy's P.O.V

I was taken in for multiple tests ranging from an MRI to a CT scan. It was almost 3 hours later when I was taken to a room, hooked up to an I.V and allowed to rest. 

Half an hour passed before a doctor came in. He sat down on the chair beside my bed, shuffling some papers in his hands. "Alright. You have a couple of people here to see you but I wasn't sure if you would want to tell them the diagnosis or me." He said slowly and purposefully. 

"You know what's wrong with me?" I asked.

"We do. Thomas, this is going to be very hard for you to hear but there is so much support here for you whether it's from your friends or online. I'm so sorry but you have cancer. You have a T4 tumour in your kidney, the cancer has spread causing secondary cancer in your lung."

I felt tears blurring my vision, my hands beginning to shake as I really took it in. I had cancer.

"I'll go and get the people from the waiting room that are here to see you. Do you want me to tell them or you?"

"I-I'll tell them," I murmured, wiping my eyes.

"Okay, do you need a minute?" 

"N-no." If anything, I just needed comfort. I wanted my family. The one that actually cared I mean. 

"Alright, just a second."

He left the room and I broke down sobbing. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that it was true.

The door opened and the doctor let the Phil, Techno and Wilbur into my room. Upon seeing my tears, they rushed over to the bed. Wilbur sat on the edge of the hospital bed, wrapping his arms around me as I flung myself at him crying against his neck. "Sh-sh-shh," Phil whispered, running his hand gently over my back, "It's okay Tommy, remember, deep breaths." 

I began to suck in sharp painful breaths, holding them before slowly breathing out. I needed to tell them.

"What happened Toms?" Techno asked.

"I-I... I have c-cancer." I whispered. I had never seen Phil or Techno cry. Wilbur was emotional so it wasn't that uncommon to have seen him cry at some point but Phil didn't really cry much and Techno rarely showed emotion. But at that moment, I saw all of them cave in as I was pulled into a group hug.

"O-oh my god," Wilbur mumbled, "How bad?"

"He said I h-had a T4 tumour in my kidney but it's s-spread to my lung." My whole body was shaking like mad as I pressed myself even closer to Wilbur. 

"I'm so sorry," Phil murmured, sounding choked up, "We love you, Tommy, we'll be with you every step of the way." 

2 days later, I was discharged from the hospital. I had to go back in 2 weeks to get surgery and have my kidney removed and then I was going to have to have brachytherapy radiotherapy which meant they were going to put small pieces of radioactive metal near the lung cancer. 

I was lying on the sofa, half on top of Wilbur, my legs resting on Phil's lap. "Okay, you don't need to tell anyone yet but I think it would be a good idea to at least tell your parents and maybe Tubbo."

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that. I guess so." 

Wilbur passed me my phone, "Do you want us here while you call them?" 


I put the code into my phone and clicked onto the contacts. My mother was at the top. I clicked onto the number and let it ring. 

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