No one likes you pt 2 - SBI

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Wilbur's P.O.V

I was my fault that my little brother was in the position that he was. I was sat in the car with Phil, the older driving us to Tommy's house as I rubbed my hands together anxiously. 

We soon pulled into the driveway and I jumped out of the car knocking on the door. His parent's car wasn't in the drive. I saw Phil pull a key from underneath a plant pot. "Tommy mentioned it on a call once." He said with a shrug, "Anyway, we need to get to him." 

Opening the door, I pulled off my shoes and barreled upstairs, straight to Tommy's door. You could tell which room was his, as there was a small wooden plaque that Tommy had made, hanging up on the door with his name carved into it. Techno and I had helped him paint it. I pushed the door open and saw my little brothers body curled on the floor. In two seconds, I was by his side, gently brushing the hair away from his slightly puffy, closed eyes. Phil grabbed the boys wrist that now was surrounded by slightly blood stained carpet and moved it to rest on his knee so he could assess the damage. "Oh shit." Phil murmured. "It's pretty deep, I don't think he'll need to go to hospital but he's got himself pretty bad here." 

I peered over at his wrist and almost broke down when I saw the bloody cut, I can't believe I hadn't noticed him struggling, then caused him to feel even worse. Phil lifted him up and lay him down on his bed. "Will can you grab a towel or something from the bathroom, get it wet, wring it out and then come back here." He said.

"Yeah, of course." 

Phil's P.O.V

I went to Tommy's cupboard where I knew there was a first aid kit. He had used it on call before when he cut his hand on a loose screw and got some medication when he had a headache and I told him to take something. I lifted it carefully down and grabbed out some bandages, antiseptic wipes, an ice pack (you shake it and it goes cold) and some pain medication. I noticed that there were multiples bruises on his exposed arms and fainter on his neck and face. I ran my finger gentle over a bruise on his cheekbone noticing that it became more visible as I did so. Looking at my finger I noticed some sort of make-up residue. He'd been using concealer. My hands got a little shaky coming to the realisation of how bad this really was. Glancing around the room I had seen nothing out of place, but now that I knew Tommy wasn't about to die, I was able to see a little closer and notice all the little things that I wished weren't there. For example, there was a blood stain that someone had haphazardly moved a cabinet over, small glass shards were swept into the corner of the room and there were a couple blood splatters above the skirting board. 

Wilbur returned with the towel but froze when he saw the look of horror on my face, "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Did you know Tommy used concealer at all?" I asked.

"What? No...why?" 

"He's been covering bruises with concealer, Wilbur, look...there, there and there." I pointed to a couple places on his face, showing my eldest son that the bruise came more clear as I wiped them gently with the corner of the towel. The towel was white, but a very pale skin colour was noticeable where it had touched the skin. "Oh my god. How long do you think he's been doing that?" Wilbur asked.

"I don't know. Maybe when he started streaming, did you ever notice any bruises on him before?" I replied, carefully wrapping Tommy's wrist with the towel. 

"Well, one time he had a black eye, it wasn't very clear, but he hadn't streamed in like a week, so I think it was bad and he couldn't conceal it so he waited for it to fade a little. When I asked what happened, he told me one of his friends tackled him and he hit his face on a door handle. He's a bit of a clumsy kid so I just believed him. Dream has said before though. He called me once and asked me to review a part of Tommy's stream where Tommy had his arms over his face. He was playing FNAF with Techno. There were bruises and small circular burns, like...cigarette burns. Again, I confronted him. He said the bruises were him being clumsy and the fire was him and Freddie (his friend) making a fire, and he sat too close, resulting in him getting burnt by the embers. I never thought to check." 

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