You're safe here - Tommy

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Part two of Dream SMP store AU 2.

T/W Non- graphic descriptions of injury, child abuse, mentioned eating disorder, low self-worth.

Sapnap's P.O.V

It was two weeks after the incident. Every day I had been checking in on Tommy, making sure he had enough to eat and drink throughout the day. He seemed to be doing somewhat better but it would take time. We couldn't just expect everything to go back to normal immediately. 

It was 11 pm and I was sitting with Karl in our room. Karl was already half asleep, leaning against me as we sat up against the headboard of the bed, watching some random series that we found on Netflix. Dream and George were still out on a date night but they were due to arrive home soon. 

Suddenly, a high pitch chime rang out through the house, startling Karl awake. The doorbell. I chuckled at my boyfriends shocked and tired expression. "I'll go get that, it's probably just Dream and George," I smiled, pressing a kiss to his forehead, "I'll be back in a minute." 

I slid out of bed, walking down the stairs and going to the front door. I unlocked it and let it swing open. Well. The last thing that I had been expecting was for Tommy to be on my doorstep, shivering from the cold and soaked through from the heavy rain at 11 pm. Swallowing down the surprise of his arrival I invited him inside. "Are you okay?" I asked, guiding him to sit on the sofa. 

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't h-have shown up u-unannounced but I d-didn't know where t-to go." He stammered, still keeping his gaze trained on the floor.

"Hey, Toms, can you look at me?" I said softly. He slowly looked up allowing me to see his face properly. Dark bruises flowered over his eye and chin and a couple of red, blotchy scratches marked up his cheek. "What happened?!" 

"Uh, my p-parents and I g-got in an argument. They were l-leaving again and yelled at me f-for for g-getting a low g-grade so I asked th-them why they even c-cared since they w-weren't around anyway." The boys breathing was laboured and his body was trembling badly. I opened my arms in a silent offer which Tommy quickly took me up on. He leaned into the hug, trying to calm himself down but failing. "I told you that you were welcome here whenever you wanted and I still stand by that. You can stay here for as long as you need. Your parents have no right to do that to you and I'm appalled by their childish behaviour. Tommy, they shouldn't hit you, or control your food intake or yell at you like they do or leave you for as long as they do. It's awful and I'm sorry you have to put up with that. Now, you wait here. I'm gonna go and let Karl know that you're here and grab a couple of things." 


I pulled away from the hug, walking upstairs to my room. "Hey Karl," I said.

"Yeah?" He mumbled sleepily.

"Tommy's here." 

"Oh, is he alright?" 

"Not really. Can you grab the first aid kit? And maybe some spare clothes? The kid was out in the rain" 

"Yeah, of course, where is he?" 

"He's in the living room. I'm gonna grab some ice for him." 

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute."

I made my way back down the stairs and to the kitchen, getting some ice out of the freezer and putting it into two plastic bags with a paper towel wrapped around it. I walked back out to the living room sitting next to Tommy as Karl made his way downstairs. "Hey, Tommy," He said, holding out the clothes, "Do you want to get changed in the bathroom?" 

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