Explosions and burns - Karlnap

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Sapnap's P.O.V

Where was he? Where was he?

In the chaos of it all, I had lost sight of my boyfriend. One moment he was beside me, sword drawn and the next, everything was going up in flames. The ground was torn to bits as TNT ate up the earth. A strange ringing filled me ears and my vision went white.

Only a few seconds passed before it cleared. I looked around me at the ruins of our city. Huge craters covered the ground and fire was spreading across the grass. Where was he? I had to find Karl. I began to run, searching every nook and cranny for my boyfriend. Other people began to emerge, a little bloody but not too bad considering the circumstances. I saw Phil carrying Tommy away from a ruined building and it just made my heart ache more. I needed to find Karl.

Left, Right, Left, Right... wait, was that...? I looked down into a hole noticed something strange at the bottom. A body. I recognised that colourful hoodie. Karl. Quickly, I slid down the bank and landed at his side, rolling him onto his back. Cuts and burns littered his body. "Karl?" I said, shaking him gently, "KARL?!" 

He gave a low groan of pain as his eyes cracked open a little. "Sap-" He was cut off by another dismal groan.

"Sh-sh-shh, easy babe, you'll be alright, I've got you. Tell me if I'm hurting you okay?" 

"S-Sapnap," He whimpered, " I h-hurt..." 

"Shh, sweetheart, don't talk. I'm here." I put my arms under his knees and against his back lifting him into my arms. Karl cried out but clutched onto my arm tightly, soon settling down. I kissed his forehead and began to walk us back to our house, it was on the outskirts of the city, so it wouldn't have been to effected by the explosion. 

We got to the house and I carried him in, laying him down on the sofa. I ran upstairs to get the med-kit before returning. "I need to get your hoodie off love," I whispered. Karl nodded in a daze and lifted his arms shakily so I could the hoodie off over his head. His torso was even worse. His entire right sight was a mess of burns and blood. The  rest of him was covered in more cuts and bruises. I pulled out some antiseptic wipes and began to wipe down his entire body. He whimpered under the cold and stingy feeling squirming a little. I placed my spare hand on his hip to keep him still. I got to a sensitive spot and he winced, "O-ow Sap-" He cried.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry honey, almost done." I gave him a quick kiss before continuing to work. I placed dressing over his burns and sprayed disinfectant in his cuts. Once I was satisfied that his wounds would heal, I gave him some medicine and lay beside him. He mustered up enough strength to crawl over me, laying down with his head on my chest. Our legs intertwined. I ran my fingers through his hair, kissing the crown of his head. "I love you Karl." I whispered, "You're safe with me." He smiled a little.

"I love you too Sap." 

He fell asleep barely seconds later, clinging onto me as though I could disappear at any second.

I loved Karl, and I would keep him safe.

Just a short one because I wanted to.

575 words

love you guys.

- Ace O

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