Paddleboarding...gone wrong - Tommy + Tubbo

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T/W Description of blood and injury. Mentioned past abuse.

Also, it talks about CPR. That isn't sexual!

Tubbo's P.O.V

Tommy and I had been planning this trip for weeks. We'd often stay up late in the night, planning what we wanted to do now that we lived so close to each other. Tommy's parents had been deemed 'unfit to take care of a child' so Phil adopted him. He now lived only 5 minutes away from my house with Phil, Wilbur and Techno. We had decided on going out to paddleboard as Tommy had only ever been surfing with Wilbur. We convinced our parents to let us meet up that weekend and I got all of the supplies ready.

He arrived at my house at 8 am as the waves were 3-5ft and it was a gentle onshore 11mph wind. Reasonably good conditions to paddleboard, especially since it would be Tommy's first time and I didn't want to accidentally drown him or anything. I grabbed the board and gave Tommy the bag with our towels and spare clothes before we started the walk. It was only a 10-minute walk to the beach but it felt like hours, carrying the heavy board under my arm.

When we got to the beach we hid our belongings in a small cove that was close to the sea but not close enough that it would be getting wet. Tommy had brought a waterproof camera with him so he strapped it tightly around his wrist and walked towards the edge of the sea. 

I strapped the paddleboards velcro strap around my ankle pushed the board out against the waves. Tommy sat cross-legged at the front of the board and I was stood up on the back, keeping the board balanced and paddling us in the right direction. Tommy turned on the camera and began to explain what we were doing as we had only given them a brief description of what we wanted to do. I paddled us further and further away from the shore. 

When we had gotten reasonably far out, we began to mess around, swimming and trying to push each other off of the board. "We're getting kind of close to the rocks Tubbo," Tommy said quietly, "Careful." 

"Yeah, good point, we should move away from them a little bit," I replied, beginning to redirect the paddleboard.

There was a current though, that kept dragging us back towards rocks. Each time I noticed we were getting close to the cliffside, I would paddle away to avoid any incidents but barely 10 minutes later we would be really close again.

We began to play shark attack again. I was the shark. I sawm underneath the board and began to rock it back and forth pushing it around a little before I decided to push upwards with all my might, flipping the board and sending Tommy flying. That was when I realised how shallow the water was. We were out on the rocks again. And Tommy still hadn't resurfaced. Panic flooded through my veins as I looked around frantically, hoping that he had just been pulled out a little bit and would be swimming over.

He was nowhere to be seen.

I began to scan the water looking for any sign of him. Red. A whole lot of red. Clouding the water and floating upwards towards the surface. Surely it wasn't... Oh god. I took a deep breath of fresh air before diving down towards the source of the redness. As I got closer I could make out the shape of a body. Tommy. I hooked my arms under his, holding him close to my chest and began to kick ferociously as I propelled myself upwards. We broke above the surface of the water and I lay Tommy's limp body on top of the paddleboard and began to kick us back to shore. It was a secluded beach so there were no lifeguards and I still had no idea what injuries Tommy had, or even if he was still alive. I pulled the paddleboard up onto the sound before pressing my fingers against Tommy's neck, under his jaw, checking his pulse. It was there, slow, but there. Then I held my hand beneath his nose, to check if he was breathing. Nothing. Shit. Shit. Shit. What was I supposed to do? What are you meant to do if someone isn't breathing? Oh! CPR. CPR? That is what I was supposed to do. Right? STOP PROCRASTINATING! TOMMY'S LIFE WAS DEPENDING ON IT. I placed my left hand on top of the right and interlocked my fingers, pressing my palm in the centre of Tommy's chest. Okay, start.

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