A hike from hell - Tommy - Karl - George - SMP house

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Basically, they all live in Florida, but it's free healthcare.

T/W Vomiting, Minor injury description.

Just a reminder that in these chapters, George is younger than Dream and Karl is younger than Sapnap!

Tommy's P.O.V

We had all agreed to go out on a hike. Jack had been researching nice places to walk so that we could all get out and do something together. Something outdoors for once. Sure, we had movie nights and beach/ pool days but we had been thinking of going out for a walk for quite some time.

We had decided on a place called the Florida trail. It was known to be slightly dangerous but we didn't think much of it. We just knew that we'd have to be careful. 

When the day arrived, we dressed in light clothing, put on our hiking boots and piled into the retrospective cars. 

It took us half an hour to get to the start of the trail and when we arrived the temperature had already gone up. In the car, we were all hot and bothered, pressed up against one another but now that we were out into the raw heat of the sun we realised just how hot it was. 

6 people had backpacks. Dream, Phil, Eret, Fundy, Sapnap and Wilbur. In the bags were food and water. We were splitting into 6 groups, the former mentioned 6 being the leaders.  They were set like this.

Dream, George, Bad, Skeppy

Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, 

Eret, Ranboo, Tubbo, Jack, Jschlatt

Wilbur, Tommy, Minx, Nikki, Puffy.

Phil, Awesamdude, Techno

Fundy, Hbomb, Antfrost

There were 8 different trails to take so we decided on the six safest and set off in the opposite direction of each other.

Wilbur took the lead, following the route that was marked out on his map. It was very steep and hilly. The ground was just a canvas of loose rocks and everyone kept stumbling over them. 

Wilbur's P.O.V

It was a lot hotter than anticipated. It was 95°F (35°C) which was one of the hottest temperatures that Florida could get. Everyone was sweating and breathing heavily as we made our way up the steep incline. We reached the top of the 5th hill and decided a break was in order.

After sitting for a bit and drinking some of our water, we started to walk again. The hills were only getting steeper to the point that it was almost a complete verticle incline. I could tell that Tommy was beginning to struggle. His movements were sluggish and he kept pinching the bridge of his nose like he had a headache. He probably did. It was hot and my head felt a little woozy anyway. He was starting to fall behind and stumbling more and more. His face was red and he just looked uncomfortable as a whole. 

We reached the top of the 7th hill and Nikki and I turned around, each grabbing one of Tommy's arms to help pull him up to the top. I noticed that he was swaying slightly on his feet. "Tommy?" I said softly, "You alright?" 

"Yeah, can I...can I have some water quickly?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course." I slung the bag off of my shoulder, pulling out Tommy's bottle and handing it to him. 

"Anyone else want their drinks?" 

We took another break drinking some water and eating a small snack before continuing. 

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