Sometimes the rain really sucks - Tommy

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T/W sensory overloads.

Tommy's P.O.V

I was sat in my class for the last lesson of the day. Maths. It had already been a stressful day and I couldn't stop fidgeting. The slow tapping of rain against the windows quickly picked up as a storm began to roll in. Just my luck. My parents were away on a business trip so there was no way that I would get a lift home. Well, Tubbo's parents would have been happy to drive me home but I felt bad about making them do it. At this point, no one was paying attention to the teachers yabbering, more interested by the rain hammering down onto the courts outside of the window. We only had 5 minutes of class left so I just shoved my things into my bag and stood up getting Tubbo's attention. The teachers had agreed to allow me to leave 5 minutes early from a lesson with 1 other person - usually Tubbo. Tubbo quickly pushed his books into his bag before walking over. "You ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

We left the classroom, walking down the corridor and down the stairs till we reached the exit door. Tubbo pulled his hood up and motioned for me to do the same. "Are you gonna be streaming with us tonight?" He questioned.

"I don't know, I don't think so." I replied, "I'm pretty tired and I have a lot to get done."


We stepped out of the building, immediately being pelted by the rain. "Holy shit, I didn't realise it was this bad." Tubbo gasped, tugging his coat hood further over his head. I just hummed in agreement. I could already feel the rain soaking into my clothing, making me uncomfortable.

We reached the school gates and he turned signing the word 'hug' to me. He knew that touch could often get really overwhelming for me so he always asked if I was alright first. I nodded, feeling reasonably good and was immediately pulled into a hug from Tubbo. "I'll see you tomorrow if I don't call you tonight." He said.

"Alright, bye!"

Tubbo ran off to the point where his mum was going to pick him up and I turned around, walking in the opposite direction. My coat was a little worse for wear. By worse for wear, I meant it wasn't waterproof and had a couple of rips in the inner coat lining. I could feel the rain soaking through it within minutes of being outside. My blazer beneath it was already wet too and it wouldn't be long before the rain was seeping into my long-sleeved shirt and the cloth was sticking to my skin. I began to pick up the pace sprinting in short bursts. The rain picked up, almost painful now as it hit any exposed part of my body. I tugged my coat tighter around me but it did very little to stop the water.

By the time I was climbing the steep hill, almost at my house, all of my clothes were sticking to me, soaking wet. It was so uncomfortable and feeling the material rubbing against my skin was enough to send a shiver down my spine and bring tears to my eyes. I got in the front door, slamming it shut behind me and sinking down to the floor letting my tears fall. Betty and Walter came rushing through the house to get to me when they heard my arrival and sat patiently in front of me waiting for my next move. Thunder crashed in the distance making me jump and making the dogs start howling. Everything was just too much to handle. I squeezed my eyes shut. Right, first things first I needed to get changed. My uniform was soaked through and the feeling of it against my skin was only going to make me have a panic attack. I took off my shoes and socks (so I wouldn't track water through the house) before rushing up the stairs, straight to my room. 

I got myself into some warmer, looser clothes and then made my way over to sit in my gaming chair. Tugging a blanket 'round my shoulders, I pulled my knees to my chest and loaded up discord. Wilbur had messaged me at lunch asking me to call him when I got home so that's what I was going to do.

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