Where are you going? - Bench trio

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A lot of people were confused when I mentioned a 'Tutor Group' so I'm going to briefly explain. It's where you go to register before school starts, it's only for 20-30 minutes. Before your first lesson.

T/W Abuse, Panic attacks, The effects of abuse.

Ranboo's P.O.V

Tubbo, Tommy and I had known each other for years. By years, I mean that we met when we were 5 and had been best friends ever since. Tubbo and I had immediately noticed that something was off, about Tommy. Not bad per se, just...something wasn't quite right. Tommy flinched away whenever we raised our arms too quickly, which happened a lot as we were very excitable kids. We always had to warn him if we were going to hug him, otherwise, he would get scared. It didn't bother us though. We were just happy to have friends. 

He would always wear long sleeve shirts and trousers, never short sleeves or shorts. Even when we met up after school or on 'playdates' when we were little, he would wear hoodies and jeans or jogging bottoms. Tubbo and I never really thought about it, just assuming that it was more comfortable for Tommy or something.

It was only later on that we realised something was really off. We were twelve and we were in secondary school (7th grade). All three of us were in the same tutor group so we would meet there in the mornings. I was the first to arrive, sitting in one of the corner seats and waiting for the others. Tubbo was second, walking through the door with a smile on his face and flopping down into the chair beside me. A couple of other kids came in as Tubbo and I chatted.

"He is coming in today right?" I asked.

"Yeah, he said he would. Plus, there are two tests today and his parents are really strict." Tubbo replied.

As far as we knew, Tommy's parents were just extremely strict. They didn't allow him to have a phone, they didn't let him miss school, even when he was really sick, or just not in a good way. There were very specific things with his parents, but we didn't know much as he rarely talked about his home life.

The classroom door opened and Tommy walked in. His head was down and his blonde hair was long enough that his fringe obscured his vision and the view of his eyes. He walked over and sat down beside Tubbo, instantly curling into his side. Tubbo just wrapped an arm around him, holding him against his side. We were used to this kind of thing. Tommy craved our affection (platonically) and we were happy to give him the attention that he needed. Especially in the mornings when he was tired or just wanted some quiet. This time was different though. Both Tubbo and I could see him shaking. Not just slightly, but huge tremours wracking his body. "Tommy," I said softly, "Are you okay?" 

It wasn't cold in the room, or outside. It the middle of summer and was actually quite a hot day. So he wasn't cold unless he had a fever, which I doubted has Tubbo would be able to feel it with Tommy's face pressed against his neck."Toms, look at us." Tubbo whispered, rubbing the younger's arm gently. I pulled his face back and let us see the damage. Asides from the fact that his eyes were red and swollen from crying, a dark ring had begun to form around his left eye and a long, thick, cut was stretched over his right cheek. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed, "Who did that to you?" 

He just shook his head, unable to utter a single word without a sob slipping past his lips. "Do you want me to get you some ice?" I asked. He shrugged, curling closer to us. That was when the teacher walked in. She was really nice. Her name was Miss Carter and she actually seemed to care about us. As soon as she saw Tommy, she made her way over, sitting in the seat across from us. "What's happened?" She asked softly. Tommy just shook his head unable to talk. "Let's go outside, hey? Would that help?" He nodded, getting to his feet on shaky legs. Miss told us to stay where we were and then headed out. Tommy wasn't in school for the next week and there were police cars outside of his home so we couldn't knock on his door. 

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