Toxic friend - Tommy

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T/W minor death (none of the cc's). Bullying? Toxicity?

I couldn't think of a name so I just used he.

Tommy's P.O.V

I met him at the start of the year. I was going through a rough time and he was nice to me. After my mother died tensions were high in my household but he listened to me. He seemed so nice. He listened to me when I need it at first.

But things quickly began to change.

It started with the insults. Nothing much to begin with. Just him telling me that I was fat, ugly, or other things to make me feel bad. I tried to ignore it as he was my only friend, and I really didn't want to be alone again. I also didn't want to cause him harm as I knew that he didn't really have any friends. If I ended our friendship over something so small, it would harm both of us and I didn't want that. 

A year passed and the insults got worse. He said them so often that I started to believe those things about myself. It was all I saw when I looked in the mirror, all I thought about when the silence got too loud and it was all I heard when I recorded videos for my youtube channel that I had decided to start. 

Another year passed and my channel had blown up with attention. I was streaming almost every other night, uploading a video (give or take) every Friday and I had made lots of new friends online. They often asked about my school life and I just told them that it was fine. When they asked about friends I'd try to avoid the subject or just tell them that he was my friend. 

He had gotten violent too. He would grab me, hit me and pull me around but I didn't let my online performance falter, even for a second. I kept a smile on my face and tried to ignore what was happening away from the screen.

My family situation consisted of my father, - that I'm sure forgot I existed - my mother's grave and the random women that my dad would bring home. I honestly couldn't remember the last time he spoke to me. Let alone looked at me.

Everything changed the day after I met Wilbur. I had had so much fun, spending the day with my pseudo older brother but when he found out he had been livid. He had yelled at me, hit me and said some things that should never be said to anyone. Accused me of replacing him and talking about him while he wasn't there. I tried to tell him that I would never talk shit behind his back. That he was my friend and I wouldn't do something like that but he didn't listen. It wasn't surprising. He never listened anymore. Anytime I would try to talk to him about something, he would just turn the conversation to be about himself or undermine my issues. That's one of the main reason I found it so hard to open up about my emotions. I thought everyone would end up being just like him

Wilbur's P.O.V

Whenever I'd ask Tommy about his friends outside of streaming, he'd always mention him. I never thought much of it. Until after our meetup.

Tommy was a completely different person. He was so much quieter. In fact, he rarely spoke at all. It was scary to see such a dramatic difference in him, and I worried that I might be its cause. Maybe I had said something that upset him. Or did something he didn't like? I was so confused. Every time I joined a call with him he would make some excuse to leave or just be completely silent. I was so worried about him.

 A couple of weeks passed and I was meeting up with Tommy again. We had agreed to before our first meetup and he still hadn't cancelled so I guess he was still coming. This time we were going to be accompanied by Nikki and Eret. They had been staying at my house for the week and Tommy was coming up to stay for 3 days. 

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