Service dog - Tommy (pt4)

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Phil's P.O.V

I was dropping Wilbur, Tommy and Bailey off at Tubbo's house since Tommy was having a sleepover there with a couple of friends. Some of Wilbur's friends would be there so he was happy to go and supervise. I pulled into the driveway. Wilbur got out followed by Tommy and Bailey, then me. Tubbo was quickly out of the front door, running down the driveway and hugging Tommy as if they hadn't seen each other in 2 years. Which wasn't true as Tubbo had been around our house the day before. I went inside to briefly speak with Tubbo's parents before leaving. 

Wilbur's P.O.V

I was sat with a couple of my friends in the spare bedroom. Tommy was in with Eryn, Freddie, Ranboo and Tubbo in Tubbo's room. Then Tubbo came and knocked on the door, "Hey, uh, we're going to head into town if anyone's coming too?" I immediately stood up. 

"Yeah, just let me grab my bag," I said. 

My friends decided that they were going to stay, except for Eret, who decided to come too. We grabbed our coats and bags before leaving.

We soon reached the shopping centre, walking around the different levels and going to shops as people pleased. Now and again, Bailey would glance back at me, this let me know that Tommy wasn't feeling well. It wasn't serious but I should keep an eye on him. We went into an unbranded shop to get some food for later on.

That was when things get wrong. 

Immediately, I spotted a lady who just wouldn't stop staring at Tommy and Bailey. I knew Tommy had noticed her too by the way he pressed himself up against Tubbo. I decided to point it out to Eret. "Hey, Eret?" I asked. 


"Does it look like that lady's staring at Tommy? Do you think she's going to be a problem?"

We'd had issues before from dumb Karen's who thought that they knew better than everyone. 

"Maybe. Just...keep an eye on her." 

"Yeah, will do." 

Tommy's P.O.V

My head was beginning to hurt from all the bright lights and loud noises but I didn't want to ruin today so I stayed quiet. I had noticed a lady kept walking past us and multiple times she would stare and scoff muttering how I was a lying freak. Once, she walked past us and told a little girl, who I assumed was her kid, not to breathe in. That if she breathed around me then she would catch the lying disease. That made me freeze up. My body went stiff and I couldn't hear. When I came to, I could feel a hand rubbing my back. Tubbo was stood beside me. "Tommy? Tommy, can you hear me?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah sorry," I said quietly.

"No, it's okay, I heard what she said and Wilbur's really angry with her. I had to convince him not to go and punch her in her stupid face." 

I gave a quiet chuckle, pressing myself against Toby as he took my hand and lead me into a different aisle. We continued on with some shopping before Tubbo and I ran into the lady again. "You're not allowed to have dogs inside." She said snarkily.

"Sorry ma'am but she's a service dog so she is permitted to be here," I responded.

"Well, you're lying, you don't look sick. My kids don't need a nasty dog walking around in here, that could bite them." 

"Well, ma'am I'm sure they also don't need to watch someone having a seizure." 

"You're not epileptic. My friend is epileptic, you're definitely not." 

"Sorry Miss," Tubbo spoke up, "But you enjoy your day. We're going to go and finish shopping. We're nowhere near you, so as long as you don't follow us you needn't worry about anything." 

"But he can't have the dog in here." 

"Okay, that's enough." A voice came behind us. Wilbur, "He's told you it's a service dog, it has a vest with the words service dog on. The dog is perfectly fine to be in here." 

"Yeah but..." 

"No, no buts. There is no room for disagreement here. The dog is permitted to be here and you have no right to speak to anyone the way that you are." 

"I'm not having this. I'm gonna record you and put it on Facebook." 

"Be my guest Karen. Put it on Facebook, that way all of your friends can see what a bad person you are. "

"That's not my name! That's so offensive." 

"Oh, would you rather we went back to calling you what we want to?" 


"Okay then, bitch." 

"What the?!! You stupid boy. You don't know who you're talking to!" 

"I know exactly who I'm talking to. I'm talking to a self-entitled bitch that thinks the world revolves around her. Someone so dumb, that she is rude to someone over their illness and then thinks that she is in the right. You're a waste of space Karen, move along." (this is something I've wanted to say to someone for so long) 

"How dare you talk to me like that! I hope this fake illness kills you. You ungrateful- "

"Oh shut the fuck up you ugly bitch. I'm done with niceties, you need to watch your foul ass mouth." 

"You should be agreeing with me. He's not sick." 

"I would agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong. Stay the fuck away from us. Well, goodbye then, hope you have a horrible day." 

Wilbur put his hand on my back, Tubbo was still holding my hand, as we walked away from the shellshocked woman. That's when I broke. All the panic that I'd been holding back just took over my body. I began to shake, holding back the tears in my eyes. Wilbur turned me to face him once we got out of sight of the lady. Bailey was flicking her ears impatiently, nudging at Wilbur and Tubbo to get their attention. Wilbur wrapped his arms around me. "Breathe Tommy." He whispered, "It's okay, I dealt with her. If she comes back, I won't hesitate to slap her stupid face." I laughed breathlessly. He ran his fingers through my hair trying to soothe me a little. "Good job." 

The rest of the shopping trip was fun. No one bothered us, and if the lady came anywhere near us, Wilbur just needed to glare at her and she would run off. 

Fuck Karens.

And thank god for Wilbur.

I forgot what I was going to write halfway through so it's quite messy! Sorry!

Honestly though, you guys mean the world to me. It makes me genuinely so happy to see that people actually like the random shit I write. 

Take care of yourself!!!

love you all.

1130 words

- Ace O

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